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Beta master list

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Post September 14th, 2010, 1:07 pm

Posts: 2077
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Location: Canton, Massachusetts, USA

Made a master list to help everyone keep track of what's been taken so far. Hope this is ok with Hyyyper, just thought it'd make things easier for people:

Round 1:
1. slosprint - Boulder Dash
2. Coasterkidmwm - Boss
3. dmillz - Bizarro (SFNE)
4. Freddie - Expedition GeForce
5. hyyyper - Intimidator 305
6. corn4ahead - Voyage
7. Extraxyz - iSpeed
8. Pad - El Toro (Great Adventure)
9. Tidus - Thunderhead
10. fear the four - Nemesis
11. gouldy - Maverick
12. GavG - Prowler
13. ianko66 - T-Express
14. RideWarriorNation - Incredible Hulk

Round 2:
15. Coasterkidmwm - Phoenix
16. dmillz - Ravine Flyer II
17. Freddie - Storm Runner
18. hyyyper - Fireball
19. corn4ahead - Montu
20. Extraxyz - Twister (Knoebels)
21. Pad - Hades
22. Tidus - Riddler's Revenge
23. fear the four - Boardwalk Bullet
24. gouldy - Griffon
25. GavG - Grand National
26. ianko66 - Tatsu
27. RideWarriorNation - Troy
28. Slosprint - Kumba (BGA)

Round 3:
29. dmillz - Balder
30. Freddie - Black Mamba
31. hyyyper - Katun
32. corn4ahead - missed turn
33. Extraxyz - Diamondback
34. Pad - Manta
35. Tidus - Apollo's Chariot
36. fear the four - X2
37. gouldy -Megafobia
38. GavG - Nemesis Inferno
39. ianko66 - Goliath (SFOG)
40. RideWarriorNation - Millennium Force
41. Slosprint - Piraten
42. Coasterkidmwm - Magnum XL-200

Round 4:
43. Freddie - Shivering Timbers
44. hyyyper - Raven
45. corn4ahead - Nitro (SFGAdv)
46. Extraxyz - Tremors
47. Pad - Tonnerre De Zeus
48. Tidus - missed turn
49. fear the four - Legend (Holiday World)
50. gouldy - Ghostrider
51. GavG - Fahrenheit
52. ianko66 - Kentucky Rumbler
53. RideWarriorNation - Titan (SFOT)
54. Slosprint - Phantom's Revenge
55. Coasterkidmwm - Raptor
56. dmillz - Volcano: The Blast Coaster

Round 5:
57. hyyyper - Xcelerator
58. corn4ahead - missed
59. Extraxyz - Dragon Challenge
60. Pad - Joris en de Draak
61. Tidus - Pyrenees
62. fear the four - blue fire Megacoaster
63. gouldy - Alpengeist
64. GavG - Goliath (Walibi World)
65. ianko66 - Dragon Khan
66. RideWarriorNation - Bizarro (SFGAdv)
67. Slosprint - Top Thrill Dragster
68. Coasterkidmwm - Whizzer
69. dmillz - Kraken
70. Freddie - skip

Round 6:
71. corn4ahead - Wildfire
72. Extraxyz - Colossos
73. Pad - Atlantis Adventure
74. Tidus - Terminator Salvation
75. fear the four - Air
76. gouldy - Behemoth
77. GavG - Winjas
78. ianko66 - skip
79. RideWarriorNation - Silver Bullet (Knotts)
80. Slosprint - Cyclone (Astroland)
81. Coasterkidmwm - Powder Keg
82. dmillz - SheiKra
83. Freddie - Thunderbird, Dragon's Fury
84. hyyyper - Lightning Racer

Round 7:
85. Extraxyz - Expedition Everest
86. Pad - Superman Krypton Coaster
87. Tidus - missed
88. fear the four - Goliath (La Ronde)
89. gouldy - Kawasemi
90. GavG - Crystal Wing
91. ianko66 - Phaethon, Superman Escape
92. RideWarriorNation - Kingda Ka
93. Slosprint - Lost Coaster Of Superstition Mountain
94. Coasterkidmwm - skip
95. dmillz - Renegade
96. Freddie - Cyclone (Lakeside, Denver)
97. hyyyper - Giant Dipper (Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk)
98. corn4ahead - Cornball Express

Round 8:
99. Pad - Intimidator (Carowinds)
100. Tidus - Talon
101. fear the four - Thunderbolt (Kennywood)
102. gouldy El Toro (Freizeitpark Plohn)
103. GavG - Speed Monster
104. ianko66 - Diving Coaster (Happy Valley Songjiang)
105. RideWarriorNation - Kingda Ka
106. Slosprint - Afterburn
107. Coasterkidmwm - Monta?????????a Infinitum, D?????????j????????? Vu
108. dmillz - Space Mountain (Disneyland)
109. Freddie - [b]Quicksilver Express

110. hyyyper - Medusa (Six Flags Discovery Kingdom
111. corn4ahead - Colossus (Thorpe Park)[/b]
112. Extraxyz - Euro Mir
Last edited by Freddie on October 13th, 2010, 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post September 14th, 2010, 1:25 pm

Posts: 1536
Points on hand: 2,597.00 Points
The order is wrong I is snake second round would start with coasterkid...then me...and slosprint would go to last for second round. Then I start third round etc. Unless this changes.

Post September 14th, 2010, 1:28 pm

Posts: 2077
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Location: Canton, Massachusetts, USA

Alright thanks, I'll fix it. Never heard of snake order that way, and that's now how I interpreted Hyyyper's post, but now that you mention it it makes sense. Thanks.

Post September 15th, 2010, 1:59 am
GavG Premium Member
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I thought it was just being reversed every round, is a fairer way than just dropping the first man to last every round.

Post September 15th, 2010, 2:40 am

Posts: 2077
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Location: Canton, Massachusetts, USA

That's what I was thinking too, but I dunno. I guess we'll see for sure when round 2 is posted. I have versions of this made up for both ways so it shouldn't be too much trouble to fix.

Post September 15th, 2010, 2:59 am

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I'm somewhat upset you didn't title this thread "Master Beta List" lololol

Post September 15th, 2010, 10:20 am
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Post September 15th, 2010, 10:24 am
gouldy User avatar
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Originally posted by dcs221

I'm somewhat upset you didn't title this thread "Master Beta List" lololol


Shows us how your mind works!

Post September 15th, 2010, 12:19 pm

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Post September 17th, 2010, 1:28 pm
SauronHimself User avatar
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Originally posted by dcs221

I'm somewhat upset you didn't title this thread "Master Beta List" lololol

Post September 21st, 2010, 11:00 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Thank you for putting in the time to make this BTW.
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Post September 21st, 2010, 11:03 am
gouldy User avatar
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^ agree, I have used it already.

ctrl+f - type in the name of the coaster you want to pick - if it doesn't find the coaster, no one has picked it and you're free to use it. - if it finds the coaster, someone has picked it and you need to think again!

or something like that [lol]

but yes, very useful, thanks!

Post September 27th, 2010, 10:25 pm
slosprint User avatar
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Originally posted by dcs221

I'm somewhat upset you didn't title this thread "Master Beta List" lololol

Damn I'm slow... I read this when you first posted it but only just got it now... hee hee...
Boulder Dash was the only good roller coaster.

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Post October 3rd, 2010, 10:33 am

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I skipped, not chose Battlestar.
Originally posted by GerstlCrazy:
The more time I spend on this website adds more to the impression that this has become a daycare.

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