Originally posted by Tidus
Well he might not be omnipotent then, huh slos?
Thats what other religions told us to believe. But in our church, we have to make God know that we believe in him/her, and want to make him/her happy. We have to do our 5% responsibility; God does the rest, God is not completely in control of our actions. In order to fulfill your 5% you need to do the right, the good, and the best things, everyday. You should also repent, and I don't mean, "OH, repent for your sins and the lord'll save ya!", type of repentance. I mean the repentance where you cry your eyes out to God, feeling the pain he/she has gone through for tens of thousands of years, leveling with him/her on an even basis. It's not as simple as Christianity makes it. God also wants us to be happy, once we make that foundation with God that he/she does exist, we can be (we can be beforehand as well, we just have to make time for God).
God is complicated, as are we, (he/she made us in his/her image) you don't just say "JESUS, I BELIEVE, SAVE ME", no, that's not how it works.
That's why you guys making light of a serious religion is not looked lightly upon God.
Shall I continue?
no, you're getting all butthurt because we're poking holes in your religion.
stop being a whiny bitch. it's annoying.
here's a question, if christianity was the right religion, and it's all about free will, then what about the children who are never introduced to christianity, and taugh that say, islam was the once true religion and all others are evil. then what's free will gonna do? if you were always taught something was evil, and you're never given any evidence that it wasn't, how does free will kick in and save you then?
besides, if god loves all of us, why does he let some of us sin, and go to hell? that's not very loving