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TR: alton towers scare fest opening weekend

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Post October 18th, 2010, 12:37 pm

Posts: 4357
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Location: Cannock, West Midlands, United Kingdom

well the past 2 days i have been at alton towers and stayed in the hotel too. you all know about the rides so ill stick to the scarefest stuff ok

The Park:
this year there was alot more going on in park than the previous scarefests. the lighting of the whole park had been speped right up. previous years it was all just basically lit but this year they have used alot of colours on trees, paths and alot of smoke too so its got a massive imporvement in the atmosphere
nemesis was lit with red lights at the bottom and a slight hint of white at the top making it look like it was dripping with blood, it was the most beautiful i have ever seen nemesis. oblivion had some DMX lights below the drop that strobed and moved about again making it look fantastic and even the towers had colour changing lights on it which just really made the effort this year way above par.

Th13teen Live
from 6pm till 9pm was th13teen live. no actors on the ride but the 13 girl was walking around the que line, wraths also and quite a few bushmen scareing and jumping out of the trees while you was queing. th13teen in the dark is also a completely diffrent experience and since they had left it in total darkness it was a very very good ride. lots and lots of smoke around the area made the whole dark forest theme stand out and feel like a very spooky place to be.

skelvins adventure (duel live)
abit wierd here, turn a haunted house into a kiddy attraction? basically it was duel live from last year withought the intence scares. some changes of music and skelvin out the front of duel. so nothing over the top but still fairly enjoyable

Terror of the Towers
this was basically the same as last year with a few awsome additions. the actors this year were way above what they were last year with alot more scares. this year jhon wardley had done alot of work on the mazes and you could tell. the themeing was used alot better and the use of aircannons in places made for alot more terror and screams. the monks were not as scary as last year as you didnt get as close as you did last year but the strobe maze was far better and just in genral the over all apperence and the actors were far above par.

Boiler House
the twins are again looking for there next murders. the masks were terrorfying, the inside was so so so much better than previous years with alot more hidey holes, windows in the walls and obsicals to navigate. the extra small touches that have been made this year such as the writeing on the walls, my personal favorite being "boys and girls come out to play", i think that just screams terror. however i went at the back of the line on sunday night. the final scene in the strobe maze i wasent paying much attention to the line in front of me and they ran for the exit, i let go of the guy in front and turned around not knowing where the exit was. the actor ran at me with knife in the air and shouted "im gonna kill you fatty". hell did i scream and run out of there quick. the maze is outstanding and worht the ?????????10 for both mazes on its own. i also love the story of it and that this year it was not only the twins but they had victems in there too

Carnivel of Screams
alton new maze for this year and its again beyond anything they have done befor. this is the maze to end the night on as its not just scary but is full of comedy. and WTF value. the clowns play there part very well at not just been all out scary but being very twisted. you enter through a giant clown mouth and into a coridor with very twisted carnivel music where the rules are read to you. from there on it gets very trippy and all out WTF with low parts, a wierd body bag room and a hall of puppets, by far the 2nd most scary part of the maze. i shall not give away the ending/final scene of the maze because it is the most surprising, genious and awsome ending to a maze i have ever been in so you'll have to go there yourself to see.

we also spent some time on the saterday night in the hotel befor hitting the mazes, the hotel entertainmet was fantastic and the band was excelent. we did also venture upto the 13 hallway where the scare rooms were but was chased out of there by a wrath.
in all the whole place is far beyond any other halloween event at a park i have been to befor (namely thorpe, BPB, lightwater, drayton and flaminglands) and i do belive its the best one in the uk with the best mazes.

thankyou for reading this prettly long trip report and a video will be on the way soon
Last edited by gazag on October 18th, 2010, 1:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Making screams come true

Post October 18th, 2010, 1:09 pm

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Post October 18th, 2010, 1:22 pm

Posts: 4357
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Location: Cannock, West Midlands, United Kingdom

yes i do, and im still half aslepp so thanks for pointing it out

ohh and i forgot too

i had a discution with the legend jhon wardley and with steven mulhurn
Making screams come true

Post October 18th, 2010, 6:22 pm
gouldy User avatar
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If you didn't ask John the following question, then you have failed as an enthusiast:

What the love is the poop you've been churning out, the last couple of years?

Post October 20th, 2010, 1:56 pm

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i did ask him if th13teen was what he expected but he wouldent comment on it but he does wish that air would be completed. i didnt sware in his face though gouldy though he did promice the group that SW7 in 2014 was going to be something very special and intence along the lines of nemesis.
Making screams come true

Post October 22nd, 2010, 10:52 am

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well since none of you even bother reading reviews anymore ill just post the video shall i

Making screams come true

Post October 22nd, 2010, 11:18 am
TheArchitect User avatar
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Thans for that Gazag, made for a good read and watch. Alton Towers looked amazing and I wish I could've gone, probably would've if I didn't live on the other side of the country. Are you going to post the John W interview?

Post October 22nd, 2010, 11:39 am

Posts: 4357
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Location: Cannock, West Midlands, United Kingdom

it wasent an interview matey, and no im not because he wouldent answer any of the questions about next years ride or SW7
Making screams come true

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