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Knexrule11 Presents: A Giga Coaster

The Hard Hat Area is the place to post construction news about your ride, so this is the place to hype your future upload!

Post November 5th, 2010, 6:04 pm

Posts: 281
Points on hand: 1,233.00 Points
Location: USA
I've been making this, and thought I'd post it on here.

This is a Giga I've been making out of Knex for a little while. Its meant to have a MF feel.

Old picture to show the lift supports:










And as a extra, pictures of my gun I just built as a side project:

Gun and magazine


Butt, firing pin, and trigger


Firing pin, and trigger






Were the magazine goes






Magazine loaded, and on gun


Magazine on gun, and bullet in firing chamber


Gun ready to fire.


Don't underestimate the power of Knex

Post November 5th, 2010, 7:07 pm

Posts: 1908
Points on hand: 232.00 Points
Location: USA
The giga looks sweet so far. You should make a catwalk to go along the lift.
Originally posted by GerstlCrazy:
The more time I spend on this website adds more to the impression that this has become a daycare.

Post November 5th, 2010, 7:29 pm

Posts: 1580
Points on hand: 2,736.00 Points
drop could be steeper but that definitely is pretty cool
Originally posted by dcs221
\nMack Daddy A113. That'll be your rap name.

Post November 5th, 2010, 8:06 pm

Posts: 1443
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Location: Ohio

Post November 5th, 2010, 8:57 pm

Posts: 2482
Points on hand: 209.00 Points
Bank: 311.00 Points
Location: Switzerland
Thats def awesome I've seen some better stuff on SSC,but this is really cool,but unfortuneatly I have some knex and but not enough to build a decent coaster.

Post November 5th, 2010, 8:57 pm

Posts: 1192
Points on hand: 2,652.00 Points
Bank: 2,739.00 Points
Location: Poway, CA, USA

How many K'Nex coaster sets do you own?? I saw at least 4 in one of the pics and the big ball factory in another set....i used to have that..i made the ball factory then decided to modify it to launch K'Nex pieces at my little brother. A rube Goldberg catapult, if you will. Anyway, nice work can't wait to see the full layout completed.
"if you found your laughin' place, how come you ain't laughin'."

Post November 5th, 2010, 8:59 pm

Posts: 2317
Points on hand: 4,662.00 Points
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Location: pennsylvania, USA
I just had to make a swing with Knex in my physics class. Some of the students didn't even know how to use them. But this looks awsome
What are these for?

Post November 5th, 2010, 9:18 pm

Posts: 1192
Points on hand: 2,652.00 Points
Bank: 2,739.00 Points
Location: Poway, CA, USA

BTW K'Nex are a chic magnet :p
"if you found your laughin' place, how come you ain't laughin'."

Post November 5th, 2010, 9:19 pm

Posts: 281
Points on hand: 1,233.00 Points
Location: USA
Originally posted by spacemountainfan619

How many K'Nex coaster sets do you own?? I saw at least 4 in one of the pics and the big ball factory in another set....i used to have that..i made the ball factory then decided to modify it to launch K'Nex pieces at my little brother. A rube Goldberg catapult, if you will. Anyway, nice work can't wait to see the full layout completed.

I have like 7 SS, 2 RR, 2 Big ball factorys, and lots of VV and other sets.

Originally posted by Live on earths ass

Thats def awesome I've seen some better stuff on SSC,but this is really cool,but unfortuneatly I have some knex and but not enough to build a decent coaster.

Your on SSC? Whats your account?
I know I'm not the best builder ever, but I'm really good IMO.

If you want more ss, your best bet is Ebay, and craigslist. Craigslist is cheaper, but is a waiting game. A good deal is 20-30$ for me.

Originally posted by ianko66

The giga looks sweet so far. You should make a catwalk to go along the lift.

I'm probrably going to make a elevator track on it, then on the crest there will be a catwalk. Just like MF.

Originally posted by A113

drop could be steeper but that definitely is pretty cool

If I made it steeper, it was unrealistic. It looks fine in real life. Thanks!

Originally posted by CKidd

I just had to make a swing with Knex in my physics class. Some of the students didn't even know how to use them. But this looks awsome

Thanks! And lol.

Originally posted by spacemountainfan619

BTW K'Nex are a chic magnet :p

I've heard they are up till High School. But I'm homeschooled, so I don't get the benefits:(

Originally posted by spacemountainfan619

Are you planning on doing a full layout? If so, when do you expect to be finished?

Um..... Probrably 2019[;)]. Idk, it could be a few months, or like 8 months. I'd like it to be done in a few months. And it will have a full layout.
Don't underestimate the power of Knex

Post November 5th, 2010, 9:20 pm

Posts: 1192
Points on hand: 2,652.00 Points
Bank: 2,739.00 Points
Location: Poway, CA, USA

Are you planning on doing a full layout? If so, when do you expect to be finished?
"if you found your laughin' place, how come you ain't laughin'."

Post November 5th, 2010, 9:34 pm

Posts: 2482
Points on hand: 209.00 Points
Bank: 311.00 Points
Location: Switzerland
I don`t have a account on SS,but I lurk sometimes to see whats going on there.

Post November 6th, 2010, 1:36 am

Posts: 1928
Points on hand: 1,601.00 Points
Location: OH, USA
You lied to me, that thing's only like 3 feet tall. Nowhere near a giga coaster [:P]

But seriously, looks kickass. I love K'Nex coasters; I have a few sets myself, but not nearly enough "normal" pieces to make anything that's decent.

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