You've always been able to incorporate flash videos into the forum. However, I am trying to tweak the code for the videos page. People on iphones, etc would have to use a real computer to see our videos if I have my way, after all, flash is an inferior tech according to steve jobs, yet the second most popular website on earth uses that lol.
Apple has now labored to produce four different generations of I-Phone hardware, each vastly superior to its predecessor, yet it still doesn't do the one love thing it needs to do reliably, make and receive calls. God Dam, you would think after all that development time and the huge financial investment made that they would at least get the damn thing to work reliably and do what its suppose to do. In the 8 months that I owned an I-Phone 3G I had to replace it over 16 times because the radios kept failing and subsequently dropping and reconnecting the signal over and over until the OS crashed. There is no reason that that every single employee at the Apple store should know my name and why I'm at the store every two weeks. Sorry, but love the I-Phone. I certainly wont be entertaining the idea of purchasing another Apple product anytime soon. Blackberry is the way to go, its the only cell phone I know that still gets signal in the fourth level basement of concrete parking garage.
Well ya know, I wouldn't call the co-founder and executive officer of Apple a idiot and a former chief executive offices of Pixar and the producer of Toy Story a idiot. Surely he is the biggest jackass because some of his products doesn't support Flash.[confused]