Prove it. I apologize for not adhering to the "if it's smooth it must be perfect" mentality.
Fine. I will start by noting that this very post proves at least one of my points; you completely lack civility and maturity. Case in point:
Smooth piece of poop tooled up worthless faggy ride:
I wouldn't be surprised if the pile of poop lewis13 threw together in the link didn't have a similar argument surround it somewhere since the only thing it does right is be smooth.
You see? You have dredged up a track almost a year old and flamed its creator by proxy just for the sake of your argument with me. Under what twisted logic is this justifiable? I wouldn't expect this behavior even from the average YouTube commenter, since that group seems to lack your awe-inspiring dedication to treating the rest of this site like poop. Only occasionally, when tracks are so horrific that Cthulhu-like they prevent my mind from grasping their sheer hideous failure am I anywhere near that insulting, and even then I have the decency to give detailed criticism instead of sweepingly labeling it a "pile of poop" the way you do. As I said, your behavior is embarrassing for any member of this site, but choosing you as a judge for an official CC contest given the way you act would be nothing short of an abomination.
Nobody uses it (Newton) to make anything worthwhile except a handfull of people. A great majority of people are not included in that handfull.
Again, I must point out that you never seem to mention the fact that only a few people produce anything worthwhile by handbuilding either. I fail to see how this is not an example of bias.
Most of my "lack of civility" is when emofags gang up on me for calling a floorless with 17 air hills unrealistic when they're "being original" or whatever.
I have no doubts that long before anybody "ganged up on" you, you called their rides unrealistic not in a constructive criticism type of way, but rather in the most vitriolic, abuse way your mind could come up with at the moment, and that their reactions were at least verging on justified. In layman's terms; Knowing you, you probably started it.
Don't build a shitty GCI like all of the existing ones and I won't think it's awful. It's entirely doable.
Your hatred of GCI is just as ludicrous as cool5's love of jet coasters, the only difference being you are apparently considered by some members of this site to be qualified to judge a contest, despite these glaring character defects.
Of course, there is also the fact that trolls such as yourself belong on 4chan and YouTube, where there are enough truly moronic targets for your talents to be of some use to society.
Also, inb4 you dredge up and flame my rides and become the new poster child for the Ad Hominem Fallacy.