Coming 2011: A different contest for each month of the year, making a total of 12 contests! The Fruit of the Month Coaster Contest!
General rules:
-Scores will be awarded from 0 to 60 points, with up to 20 points each being awarded for Technical, Adrenaline, and Misc. (o/acc, along with any other notes)
-The rules for a month's contest will be posted on the first day of that month, along with an example track.
-The submission deadline is the last day of that month.
-No signup is required, you're in the contest once you submit a track.
-Entries may be submitted as nltrack or nlpack files. zip files are not allowed.
-3ds are allowed.
Terraforming is only allowed in the case of small trenches, or necessary excavations for 3Ds underground tunnels.
-Your standing or participation in previous contests will not exclude you from the current month's contest.
Info on the first contest will be posted on January 1st.
UPDATE: The January Contest is up! Your challenge is to build an Intamin Mult-launch or Blitz coaster in a dumbbell-shaped area crossing a river. Rules are in the template description, and will be up in this thread too soon. The example track will also be posted shortly.
Template: ... ?tid=17730