Originally posted by Flickstah
I really like the second video of the cars that are facing forward, and not backwards like X2. It creates so many more possibilities. I love the idea of turning the cars face down for a flying coaster twist, roll.. thing. Unfortunately that would mean leg harnesses.
X2 does not have leg harnesses, and it has some parts that are kinda flying position
btw, i would like to see his track type looks very un safe. It would be best to add a triangle spine because triangles an the strongest shape and circles are relatively week. Also, he uses chains to rotate the seats in the Type 2 Design and that seems illogical. The Chains would probably snap a bit into the ride due to pulling a heavy wait. Additionally, The New trains guiding system looks meh. I can't really tell how it works, but it looks like it is not well thought out. Plus, I like the fact that X2 goes backward but his new idea looks way better.