Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm
Voyage isn't GCI.
Colossus, the racing things in the King's Island/King's Dominion/whatever those are look much better. As does Stampedia.
You ignorant ass...i'm talking about the trains for Voyage. You think it's gonna suck just because of the trains? And I should have rephrased my question, intense dueling woodies that are located, IN AMERICA. Yeah, Stampida looks like it kicks Gwazi's ass, but you can't ride it if you can't fly to Spain now can you?
Colossus, ok fair enough.
But have you ACTUALLY RIDDEN GWAZI to judge the two?! You haven't! And if you're talking about Rebel Yell, a John Allen coaster from God only knows how long ago...then you really must not want to come to the present. Gwazi is INSANELY good, and these trains will only HELP.
Believe it or not!