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I got ejected from KBF today!!!

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Post May 21st, 2003, 4:32 pm
Oscar User avatar
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Well I went to KBF today. And, well, I got ejected out of the park for disorderly conduct. Spalsing water with my friend on each other and stuff in one of the "ponds" wasn't permitted, yet everyone else was doing it, baring the heat was about 91 when i was there about 20 min ago. Anyway, I did get like 8-12 rides on Xcelerator, rode Boomerang about 6 times and perilious plunge about twice I think, we skipped Ghostrider because the que on it was horrible. Xcel was about a walk on or 1-2 min que, and boomerang was empty so that was fun, same with perilious plunge and we also rode hammerhead twice, ugh them negative g's on it made me see red and a major headache. We checked out the new flatride going up, La Revolution, took a few pics, picked up a feww goodies and then got booted. I'll post the pics later todasy or tomorrow I am far tired and aching right now after the tons of fun we had there in the 1.5 hours we were there, yes 1.5 hours and we did ride that many times on those rides we rode [:D] Anyway, right now gotta go to Hollywood and pick up someone, then to school, then back to Hollywood and then back home. I do have my handstamp so I might go back later through the second entrance [;)]

Post May 21st, 2003, 4:42 pm

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Getting kick'd sounds weak, man! It has been hot the past few days here too.

Post May 21st, 2003, 5:37 pm

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Post May 21st, 2003, 6:23 pm
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I got pulled over in Hollywood for "crusing" [:(] I've been having a run in with the police lately, thankfully my PBA card still works [pshades] ANyway what's wrong with playing some cool tunes while driving? [lol]

Post May 21st, 2003, 6:29 pm

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[8D] Me and a group of friends went and we were "taunting" the Looney Tunes people that walk around the park and then we were mad for getting a warning, so my female friends flashed all of the on-ride cameras. We got cought, and were banned the rest of the season...a whole 2 weeks [;)]

Post May 21st, 2003, 6:31 pm
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Post May 21st, 2003, 6:54 pm

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Post May 21st, 2003, 6:54 pm

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i never get caught in too much trouble at amusement parks, although 7 policemen had to come over to me when i walked in the park with a small chain attached to my wallet so i wouldn't loose it.

ironicly none of the male security guards seemed to care when a few of the girls on our band trip decided to have a wet t-shirt contest in the fountains at epcot. the one with the d cup won by the way.

if you flick off the camera on the brer rabbit ride in disney world, it says, "your photo was washed up."

Post May 21st, 2003, 7:01 pm

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I've done rabbit ears on peeps in front of me and they never got deleted. On the other hand, my friend put up his pointer fingers while his hands were up and the pic got deleted. Fortunately, I've never been kicked out. My cousin spit from a sky ride and the spit hit a security peep. He followed the gondala thingy they were in to the station and had a little 'talk'. No one was kicked though.

Post May 21st, 2003, 7:16 pm

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I was on SROS, and I was sitting next to my bro, so I punched him in the face (lightly) for the on ride photo, I thought it turned out great!!

Post May 21st, 2003, 7:22 pm

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[lol] On a ride photo on Roar!, It looked like my cousin was gonna eat my hand!

Post September 13th, 2003, 3:33 am

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Best saw so far was when a woman had a tank top on (no bra) and something flew out........fakies!!! We <ahem> I retrieved them from her under the cobra...funny stuff!!!

Post September 13th, 2003, 6:47 am

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[lol] pretty dumb you get ejected from the park for throwing some water around. At Six Flags the same thing happend pretty often so they placed a meter flowers around it and a low fence. Problem solved [:P] I never got ejected from a park. I did got banned from a ride for the rest of the day. We lied down in the log flumes which seemed quite harmless, but they thought we'd fallen out of the boats because from the surveillance camera's on the ride the boat looked empty and so it did on the onride photo [:P]

Post September 13th, 2003, 9:23 pm

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I put my arm around my girlfriend on Millenium Force on the on ride photo..... they said it was disorderly conduct and deleted the picture.....[:(!] Buncha weirdo's... lol, well acutally I'm pretty friendly with most of em...

Post September 13th, 2003, 9:27 pm
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Insert I have some pretty interesting onride pics with my ex-gf, much more disorderly than putting my arm around, way more disorderly [lol]

Post September 14th, 2003, 4:58 am

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Originally posted by WeeWeeSlap

<img src=images/icon_speech_sigh.gif border=0 width=27 height=15 alt=Insert Speech Icon: Sigh...> I have some pretty interesting onride pics with my ex-gf, much more disorderly than putting my arm around, way more disorderly [lol]

[lol] I've seen also seen way more disorderly pics on alot of rides at Six Flags, especially on Robin Hood since it's quite slow at the on ride photo point [:p]

Post September 15th, 2003, 3:44 am

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Well lucky for me, security just ignored me when I snuck around SFOT to get some pics of the hidden side of the Texas Giant, and I had to cover alot of forbidden ground to get there too. It was kinda weird, because I could've climbed the stairs to the ride op's post at the midcourse brakes and everything, if I had been bold enough and brave enough to try it, but I was afraid that would likely get security's attention for sure. It also seemed pretty dangerous to try it while trains were running too. I don't think they allow employees to climb those stairs while trains are running, so I decided not to risk it. I sure could've freaked out whoever was working that post if I had tried it though! Wouldn't they be shocked if a guest snuck up on em?

Anyhow, so I took pictures like crazy and hid behind stuff while security and maintenance people were puttering around in their golf carts all over the place, which really made me wonder how the heck I managed to get where I was without being seen, but I guess I just picked the right time to go for it. I had just been up at the top of the oil derrick scoping out the situation and mapping my plan of entry, and that's right next to where I had to go to get there, so I guess my surveillance mission beforehand was a good idea. I noticed that there didn't seem to be any activity in the area while I was up there, so I must've just found the right window of opportunity. LOL

I'm still not sure how I managed to escape that area unconfronted though, because I still had to walk right past a security guard or a maintenance guy or someone in a golf cart to exit back into the rest of the park where I was supposed to be. I didn't really look to see if it was security or maintenance, because I was too afraid that I was gonna get busted on the way out, so I just acted like there was no reason to say anything to me about why I was where I was, and the guy in the golf cart didn't say a word to me. I still kept expecting security to track me down and tap me on the shoulder after I finally got back into the public areas of the park, but they never did, so I guess I committed the perfect unauthorized public access crime. HEHE

Post September 15th, 2003, 4:04 pm

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Haha, well, what else can we really expect from Six Fags? Hehehe. Now, how about letting us see those pictures you so darringly took?

Post September 15th, 2003, 4:22 pm

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Location: Houston, Texas, USA

Sorry about that. I meant to post a link to them in that post, but I forgot to. Here they are:

Post September 15th, 2003, 6:22 pm

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ha, thats pretty funny, at Alton towers you can actualy walk straigh out of the park through the gardens....... i mean which sucks because you cant get back in....the gardens are just endless, hmmm im tired

Post September 15th, 2003, 6:45 pm

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You got kicked out for splashing water, wtf, at that point I would have been in a pissy mood lol. esp if I wasn't the only one doing it, did the others doing it get kicked out of the park too. Nice picks Draggon, that is one of my favorite woodies so it was nice to see it once again lol (used to be texas cyclone when I was younger b/f the changes were made to it but still a fun coaster and about the only ride besides serial thriller and greased lightning which I think it has been tamed lately on the accecleration though n the last year, at astroworld)but I need to get back to sfot b/c haven't rode titan yet!

Post September 24th, 2003, 4:19 pm

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some how i found a house i nthe middle of alton towers??? very strange?

Post September 24th, 2003, 4:21 pm

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Location: Marske-By-The-Sea, Redcar, United Kingdom
also on the pepsi max big one at backpool p/beach two womn lifted their tops for the camera, the picture was not deleted or where they confronted by workers :D:D i got to see the picture aswell XD

Post September 24th, 2003, 8:07 pm

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When I was a KBF they wouldn't let me in the park when I was wearing a T-shirt that said, "Undercover Police" on it. They told me that its in the same catagory as a "terrorist" shirt. So I was forced to turn it inside out.

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