This ride will become the next in my "Creatures" series, which are based on mythical, fictional and real monsters. As a follow up to The Red Dragon, this little sister ride will take it's theme from a welsh legend of the
Afanc(pronounced a-van-k), or Addanc (pronounced a-than-k). A creature that dwells in a lake and preys on anyone who enters it. It is describes as being a mix between a beaver, crocodile and dwarf.
I've made progress on supporting (I over supported it an had to readjust the first half of the ride after carefully analyzing the real mega-lites), and I've also got a color I quite like. I've had to ditch a lot of ideas I had to begin with, but they were a little ambitious, and I want the ride to present in the right fashion, I really like the layout and I want to see it shine.
Anyway, onto a screen. The logo/name aren't exactly finalised yet but I wanted to show some form of progress here. This is the s-bend after the first corner.