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"You must buy a Premium Account to download"

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Posts: 510
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Guess what? I just got a message saying that if I wanted to download more than 3 tracks per day, I had to purchase a Premium Account.

Oscar, this is absurd and you should be ashamed of yourself. This site is becoming increasingly unwelcoming to members who cannot afford premium accounts, and it is becoming highly annoying. I realize that most online communities have a social hierarchy, with staff and frequent contributors given more weight in discussion than normal members, but I (and I'm sure many members will agree with me) do not enjoy being treated as an internet plebeian.

Please remember that CC is not the only website on the internet with a forum and track exchange. You should not get cocky and think that everyone will choose extortion over having to leave a quality rate now and then to download. If enough of this site's features and content become restricted to Premium Members only, do not assume that you will be able to force members to fork over money. I believe I can predict with reasonable accuracy that more members will leave than will purchase Premium Accounts, and the community will shrivel into an elite group of members while everything else withers away and dies.
Originally posted by dcs221
\n"they see me trollin', they hatin'..." -Omnigeek6

Chamillionaire you are not...but white and nerdy, yes.

Post March 7th, 2011, 7:04 pm

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It has always been like that if I'm correct, but I compleatly agree with you, it's absurd. I really love the community here, but it upsets me when I can't use a "Image sig" without a premium account. And that we can't change our avatars without points. On other websites, we can do that whenever we please. And we have to pay 20$ if we want our username changed, thats just dumb. I am on other websites were all I have to do is PM a mod to get my name changed. I'm not saying that you should get rid of premium accounts, but I'm saying that instead of taking affects that we have on other websites from plain members. Just give the premium members bonus stuff.

End of rant.

EDIT: I was just thinking, you should add a poll to this. Asking if people think that this system is dumb, or they like it.
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Post March 7th, 2011, 7:07 pm

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Meh. I just wait. Deal wiv it.
It's been like that for like 5 months now.
[19:47:28] rcking04: /smoke bong through wrong end

Post March 7th, 2011, 7:10 pm

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First of all, uhh...

Originally posted by Knexrule11

It has always been like that if I'm correct, but I compleatly agree with you, it's absurd. I really love the community here, but it upsets me when I can't use a "Image sig" without a premium account. And that we can't change our avatars without points. On other websites, we can do that whenever we please. And we have to pay 20$ if we want our username changed, thats just dumb.

Hi? You've been here 5 months now? Shut up, it has just begun to be like that with the exchange, and if you haven't noticed, it's not simple to pay for anything these days. And honestly? Stop talking dude; the points system is a classic web perk that adds motivation to rate and do other activities. It's a great part of this website, and better than the forced rating system on others. Shut the hell up and appreciate this site for what Oscar does allow, rather than what he doesn't. Like all my swearing for instance...

To Omnigeek:

Please remember that CC is not the only website on the internet with a forum and track exchange

Considering how bitchy and snide your post was, I can pretty much guarantee Oscar's only word to this would be "farewell."

I believe I can predict with reasonable accuracy that more members will leave than will purchase Premium Accounts, and the community will shrivel into an elite group of members while everything else withers away and dies.

I know for a fact that will not happen, and that you can't predict worth poop. I wouldn't leave if things remained this way. The exchange is the only restriction I could imagine having a problem with, and I don't visit the site enough for that and other restrictions to become a problem.

I promise there are more members like I than you; non-Premium members who visit the site in an irregular enough frequency that the restrictions will never present a problem, and those who have the means to pay for Premium accounts will continue and the site will not shrivel away.

*Shut the hell up and appreciate this site for what Oscar does allow, rather than what he doesn't. Like all my swearing for instance... =P

Post March 7th, 2011, 7:10 pm

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While I'm a strong supporter of having everything free, you need to remember that downloading tracks takes up bandwidth, and bandwidth is not free. That said, I don't think limiting track downloads has very much, if any, effect on this, since I don't regularly download more than 3 tracks a day anyway, and judging by the fact that this restriction has been in place for months, you don't either. Basically what I'm saying is, suck it up, but I do agree with you on the fact that it shouldn't be this way.

@Oscar: To be honest, I would be very happy to pay a fee to host my tracks on the exchange - something on the order of $1-$2 per track, if I knew it would go to the site's operations (this has a secondary benefit - less n00b track since they probably aren't going to be willing to fork over some money for people to see their shitty tracks). Or maybe host a "premium exchange" for those who paid for their track's hosting, to ensure that those tracks are more prominently featured on the homepage. Either idea is, in my opinion, a good one, and should be implemented, even though I have no clue how difficult such a thing is. I know for a fact that if I worked hard on a nice roller coaster, I would gladly pay to have it featured prominently on the homepage, garnering more downloads, and thus more ratings. Maybe extra points to those who rate the premium tracks? (again, more ratings = more incentive to host on the premium exchange). Just my 2 cents.

Post March 7th, 2011, 7:11 pm

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In case you haven't noticed, Oscar is kinda super low on cash, so you're lucky you even have the love site at all.

So all I have to say is


Post March 7th, 2011, 7:17 pm

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its very easy, if you dont like it go else where, simple as.

this site has a very good base of members and a very good comunity and alot of contributers, premium members and others who have never had a problem nor ever will

oscar, mikey and the rest of the staff do a fantastic job of running this site so if you dissagree, go else where
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Post March 7th, 2011, 7:36 pm

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Originally posted by GerstlCrazy

Originally posted by Knexrule11

It has always been like that if I'm correct, but I compleatly agree with you, it's absurd. I really love the community here, but it upsets me when I can't use a "Image sig" without a premium account. And that we can't change our avatars without points. On other websites, we can do that whenever we please. And we have to pay 20$ if we want our username changed, thats just dumb.

Hi? You've been here 5 months now? Shut up, it has just begun to be like that with the exchange, and if you haven't noticed, it's not simple to pay for anything these days.

I know, I have donated on different websites, but thats ten bucks a year. And instead of taking features away from the non-donators, all he did was give us a tag that says we donated. If CC was like that, I would probrably have donated by now. I'm not against giving
Oscar money, I'm against the way he's doing some if it.

"And honestly? Stop talking dude; the points system is a classic web perk that adds motivation to rate and do other activities. It's a great part of this website, and better than the forced rating system on others."

I love the point system here, all I said is that I wish we could change our avatars on our own. The rest of the point's system I love!

"Shut the hell up and appreciate this site for what Oscar does allow, rather than what he doesn't. Like all my swearing for instance..."
No need to get pissed. Dude, you didn't hear me freaking out, did you? Lets try to keep this at a non-yelling conversation.
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Post March 7th, 2011, 7:44 pm

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You can't yell on the internet.
It's text.
You can yell at the internet, but on the internet.
[19:47:28] rcking04: /smoke bong through wrong end

Post March 7th, 2011, 7:44 pm

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There usually tons of trashy noob tracks most of the time that are not even worth a download.

Post March 7th, 2011, 7:49 pm

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Post March 7th, 2011, 8:02 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Please remember that CC is not the only website on the internet with a forum and track exchange..


Post March 7th, 2011, 8:06 pm

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Even with the restriction, CCrazy is much better and more active than any other exchange site bro.

Post March 7th, 2011, 8:10 pm
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Not using points is socialist and part of the gay liberal agenda threatening to ruin America
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Post March 7th, 2011, 8:27 pm

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I wonder if its possible to implement an exchange like they have over on New Element. Where based on the rating a ride gets from respected members gives it a chance to medal.And other members could just leave a comment if they wanted. Like maybe a Bronze for rides from 6.0 to 7.0, then silver form 7.0 to 8.0, then gold from 8.0 to 9.0, and platinum for 9.0 or more. I know there's already the medals for weekly winners, but there isn't a way to showcase them. And then you would never get any "Vry kool track man it would be awesum to see it in reel life 7-7-7" ratings that don't help at all. These would all be nice additions that I'm just suggesting. Oh and just to talk about the current topic, I agree with Gerstl this site is pretty awesome for what it is and $25 a year is pretty dang cheap anyways for a premium account.

Post March 7th, 2011, 8:37 pm

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Dude, a premium account is not that expensive. If you actually do a little bit of math, you'll see that it only costs about 54 cents a day. There's no need to freak out about the price, Omnigeek.
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Post March 7th, 2011, 9:05 pm

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54 cents a day? its no way its that much.. try like 5 cents I'm thinking

Post March 7th, 2011, 9:14 pm
Tetsu Premium Member
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It seems Omnigeek like to whine about stuff as of late.

I just say this:

If you dont like the way stuff happens here, the exit button is located at the upper right corner of your internet browser.

EDIT: By the way, 30/365=$0.08 a day.

Post March 7th, 2011, 9:44 pm
Oscar User avatar
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I'm not going to run through all the posts so I am just going to reply with this. I've been providing a FREE service since 2002. You've been only here since 2009. I've received feedback like yours for the past 9 years and it's always the same, "GIVE IT ALL TO ME FREE!!! SCREW YOU OSCAR!!! KEEP ON PAYING $5,000 + A YEAR OUT OF YOUR OWN POCKET FOR COLOCATION, HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, CUSTOM WEBWARE, YOUR HUNDREDS OF HOURS OF WORKING THE BACKEND, SERVICING THE SERVER, CALLING TECH SUPPORT, PAYING PROGRAMMERS TO FIX CRAP, DRIVING INTO LOS ANGELES TO STAND ON YOUR FEET FOR HOURS WAITING FOR THE SERVER TO GET FIXED WHEN IT BREAKS DOWN. GIVE IT TO ME FREE, YOU PAY OSCAR PAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Caplock intended as that's the way it comes across to me. I do receive donations but they are not enough to cover the full expenses of this website. I am very thankful for the donations received as without them the site would not be around. Frankly, I was going to pull the cord in February due to an ongoing incident. If it wasn't for Mikey for paying a $500+ bill out of his pocket, the site would have been gone and you wouldn't had the chance post your post today. In December I received a VERY nice donation as well but those who are VIP's are well aware where that money went to.

Anyway, bac on topic. You are complaining about something that has been a part of the site for the past year. It took you long enough to find out that this was so. It is obvious that you JUST getting that message is indicative that you really are not that involved in the site or involved in the exchange if you just noticed that being in place. It's been there for the past year. Why not complain about it from the start? Did you have a bad day? If so, me too, I've had a very bad day today.

I am aware that my site is not the only one on the planet. You are free to come to mine, enjoy the free features available to you. You are just as free as to go to another site that you feel more comfortable at. That is your choice and I'd rather you leave than to whine here. The waaahhhmbulance isn't welcomed here by the members.

I am not cocky, well, actually I am cocky, I'll admit that. It is simple as this, you either like what I do here because I HAVE to do it, or just go elsewhere. I am fed up being stressed about pleasing people like you who are ungrateful of the 9 years of work and $40,000+ spent on this site. Yes, that is forty thousand. I know thousands of people appreciate what I do here. I know thousands as well hate that I charge a fee. Of course, those thousands that do not appreciate simply don't know me, don't know what it costs to run the site and don't know the crap I have to deal with in public like in this post and in emails, private message and letters.

You either like my site the way it is or GTFO!
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post March 7th, 2011, 9:53 pm

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Dude, what's wrong with 3 tracks a day? If you wan't to download more then 3, then download more the next day... And the site is broke. Oscar is pulling out money from his pocket to keep this site running. So if you like the site, donate; even if it is only like $1. It helps. And also, buy your six flags tickets with links from the site. I bought my season passes and got Oscar $6. Not bad considering I get what I want, and the site benefits.

Also, If you don't like the site then leave!
[19:34:14] RideWarriorNation: jim
[19:34:27] RideWarriorNation: can you pls change sig
[19:35:22] Jcoasters: ok
[19:35:39] RideWarriorNation: ty

Post March 7th, 2011, 10:06 pm
Metazoanhaddock User avatar

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Originally posted by Knexrule11

And that we can't change our avatars without points.
End of rant.

I hope you realize that premium members still have to use points to change our poop, and there is no discount either, we pay the same amount of points as you. Also, I hope you realize most premium members aren't premium because of the download limit. I know, at least for me, I donate to the site and receive premium purely because I don't want this site to go under, and I enjoy supporting it. If there were more people who donated instead of taking everything they're offered here for granted, guess what? WE WOULDN'T HAVE A DOWNLOAD LIMIT. The fact that people are greedy, beady eyed, big nosed Jews about their money is just sad. I understand if you don't have enough money to donate, but if you do and just choose not to, and THEN ask for more features for FREE, well, that's just sad. The fact that this is even coming up now is absurd, it's been in place for months without even a single complaint. If you have a problem with it, that sucks, but you can leave if you want. Nobody is stopping you.
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Post March 7th, 2011, 10:07 pm

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I am not on anybodies side in this argument because I see the goods and bads of both. I am not a huge fan of the 3 download rule, but realistically? I've only been caught wanting to download more than 3 coasters probably once. As Cool5 said, with all the crap being thrown up onto the exchange lately, there shouldn't be too much reason to whine and bitch. I'm not going to lie, I was going to rant about the 3 download rule, but I took a step back and thought realistically about how much I download on this site. I'm fine with the way things are, as should everybody else.

P.S. Here's a thought. If you reach the max of 3, why don't you just PM the designer and have him/her send the track over email or something. There are loopholes...
So, my friend came up to me the other day and asked if I wanted a frozen banana, and I said no, but I want a normal banana later, so... yea.

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Post March 7th, 2011, 10:23 pm

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This is like complaining about prices at Six Flags. They're love BANKRUPT.

Would you rather have them go out of business instead of paying $4 for a soda?!

Even though I take advantage of free coasters for the entire season (excluding the $60 at the beginning of the year), I still support them by eating in the park one in a while.

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Post March 7th, 2011, 10:29 pm
Tetsu Premium Member
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I just want to point out that Six Flags is no longer bankrupt.

Post March 7th, 2011, 11:01 pm
SauronHimself User avatar
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Everything costs money, and Oscar has been providing a free service for years. Even a place like NoLimits Exchange has a rating percentage requirement for you to retain download privileges. Premium accounts here are cheap even if you pay the full $25, but many of us were smart and jumped on the $10 special last August. In the nine years that CC has been around, Oscar's costs have been approximately $45000. He could have bought two or three cars in that time, yet he used that money to provide a website that a lot of people enjoy. Perhaps you'll understand when you grow up and have your own business where you have to provide a product or service that people desire.


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