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Suggestion:Banking Coasters

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Post May 25th, 2003, 8:35 pm

Posts: 2052
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One thing that is vidal to your coaster is banking. The most realistic banking is when you make sure your track is flat no matter what. By that I mean, if you doing something like an over-banked turn, you make it so it turns over-banked but looks flat at top of the element from the side view. Example, you don't want to make an over-banked turn go 100 degrees unless it's so low enough that it would look flat from the side view. I've seen improper banking so many times you would'nt believe me! This is my view on banking and I do believe it is correct but you DON'T have to listen to me. This was just my thoughts on banking caus' I notice it on real coasters.

-Hope this was helpful.

Post May 26th, 2003, 5:41 pm

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Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

banking is used to turn lateral g's into positive g's. this is done as a humans have a bigger tolerance to positive g's than lateral. SO realy it has nothing to do with appearance, its to do with rider safety and achieving the right g forces whilst executing the turn

Post May 26th, 2003, 7:04 pm
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Post May 26th, 2003, 7:47 pm

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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

yeah, I agree with the edge because what you are doing by making the turn flat is incrreasing the lats and if you have the banking track rise up into the air more, they are converted to positive, like the Edge said.

Post May 28th, 2003, 9:53 pm

Posts: 189
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Just think back to any roller coaster you've been on where they used un-banked turns as a design feature. Remember that feeling of loosing half your ribs on the side of the train, along with getting the person to your left sat on your knee? ;)

The Edge has it spot on. If I remember correctly, up to 1 lateral g tends to be OK, and you should keep it below 3/4 vertical g's sustained, but small bursts of slightly higher shouldn't do any harm...

Not too high mind. Good ol' blackouts kick in.

Also, you have to be careful of too high negative vertical g's. More than -3 and your poor riders (read victims) will likely red-out.

Post May 28th, 2003, 10:01 pm

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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

I almost blacked out on Goliath at SFMM, i was getting real weak and i started to see black around the edges of my eyes, i was taken out of the helix just in time. Stupid Giavanola, I hope they go out of business.

Post May 28th, 2003, 10:07 pm

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hey, now, don't insult the best helix on any steel coaster in the world. The real black-out coasters are Mindbender (west edmonton in Canada), and Thriller. Both of those rides pull almost 6 g's in the loops. Goliath only pulls 4 in the helix. Oh, well. It's still alot of fun either way.

Post May 28th, 2003, 10:10 pm

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Location: United Kingdom

Well my harrier beats them all!

OK, I've not got a harrier, but you get the picture.

Post May 28th, 2003, 11:29 pm

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[:D] darn strait, if it wasn't for those small breaks between the drops, lots of people would be blacked out but the time the ride gets to the station. Mindbender seems to be much worse than thriller.

Post May 28th, 2003, 11:34 pm

Posts: 48
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Back on the banking topic-

I've ridden coasters with unbanked turns that were perfectly rideable. The turns were either higher radius or taken at lower speed, and caused some laterals. And laterals have always been an important experience of woodies and minetrains.

Post May 28th, 2003, 11:48 pm

Posts: 1275
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Location: Bay Area, CA

I used to make coasters w/ unbanked turns on rct and for the longest time, I couldnt figure why my ride was so intense. I gotta slap myself for that one

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