Its me Matt and i am having real trouble making the supports for latest creation the CrAzY CoAsTeR because the ride is so compact its difficult to build a support without it hitting the track, so please please help finish this coaster off.I will be able to send the coaster to you.
Humor is really great to use for projects. I'm not sure if you can accidentally make something helarious in No Limits, but I know its really easy to screw something up in 3d animation and make it funny.
It is VERY important. In case of an emergency situation, if you are running two or more trains, you may need to stop the train to prevent crashes. Even ask the pro designers, they'll tell ya[:)]
I don't think I've ever really seen a coaster with a launcher anywaits. I've seen them dragging the train backwards up a hill to start, and I've seen it being launched by a cable, but never any kinda motors...