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Post January 26th, 2003, 1:36 am
Kev True Addicts
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Has anybody been able to make a good one yet? I've been trying all day and still haven't been able to do it. They look great in the editor, but look (and feel) awful in the sim.

Anybody? Where the hell is Buster when you need him?

Post January 26th, 2003, 2:08 am

Posts: 342
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Location: New York, USA
I'm having truoble with them as well. XBox4414 DID have one at, but if you don't have it or don't want to use a prefab, you can't.

Post January 26th, 2003, 2:18 am
Kev True Addicts
True Addicts

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I've no qualms using prefabs, so long as they are good prefabs.

Post January 26th, 2003, 4:37 am

Posts: 22
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Location: USA
I have a cool new Dive Loop, a new Corkscrew (that is ok, I don't think you can get a perfect corkscrew) and two different sized vertical loops. I would post them but I don't know were to post them. Any Ideas?

Post January 26th, 2003, 4:41 am
Kev True Addicts
True Addicts

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Post January 26th, 2003, 9:20 pm
Kev True Addicts
True Addicts

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Location: Oklahoma, USA
Okay, I've downloaded your prefab pack, along with shaggszgn's, and it looks like we are all making the corkscrew the same way. Because of that, we are all having the same problem.

I've been experimenting with the "relative" banking option today and it makes them a lot better, but it still isn't quite right. Any other ideas out there?

Post January 26th, 2003, 10:51 pm

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Location: USA
I'm going to keep playing with them, so if I find anything I'll update you guys.

Post January 26th, 2003, 11:41 pm

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Location: USA
I tweaked around my corkscrews for around for about 30 min, and I found a way to make the corkscrews more realistic. The way I did mine looks really good and they are pretty smooth.

Post January 27th, 2003, 12:18 am
Kev True Addicts
True Addicts

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Location: Oklahoma, USA
Originally posted by Xbox4414:
I tweaked around my corkscrews for around for about 30 min, and I found a way to make the corkscrews more realistic. The way I did mine looks really good and they are pretty smooth.

I would love to give it a try. If you email it to me at the address further up, I will email you what I have so far. Perhaps between the two of us, we can come up with something.

Post February 24th, 2003, 6:21 pm

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Location: USA
ive made some ok corks
they are B&M style and mostly smooth


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Post April 10th, 2003, 7:42 pm

Posts: 342
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Location: New York, USA
I know this is an old topic, but I want to say this anyway. I'm also starting to make fairly descent corkscrews. The only problem is the middle is screwy :-(

Post April 13th, 2003, 1:24 pm
Kev True Addicts
True Addicts

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Location: Oklahoma, USA
Originally posted by Gotenks06

I know this is an old topic, but I want to say this anyway. I'm also starting to make fairly descent corkscrews. The only problem is the middle is screwy :-(

Put a cork in it and you're all set. [:D]

Seriously, i'm still having problems with these too.

Post May 30th, 2003, 5:01 pm

Posts: 26
Points on hand: 2,547.00 Points
Location: USA
i finally got it, i juss made a vertical loop with an extra section then stretched it out to the shape of a cork and resized it, then hit cont. pretty smooth

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