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Smoothness a tyran?

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Post May 31st, 2003, 3:13 am
pym User avatar

Posts: 43
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smoothness for a ride is a very important criteria, so much that it seems to be absolutly necessary. Of course, there are limits for how much a track can be jerky, but don't you think too much importance is given to smoothness in computer simulation. For example woodies shouldn't be too smooth, don't you think? [sillyme]

Post May 31st, 2003, 3:19 am

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Location: Alberta, Canada
Woodies in realy life aren't smoothe because the track, wheels, and supports don't vibrate as much as a steel coaster. In sims the track should be just as smooth as any steel ones. As for importance, to a point, if you have a bup that puts 10 g's on the rider you need to fix that. But in my opinion "the smoother the ride, the more time and effort was spent"

Post May 31st, 2003, 4:58 am
pym User avatar

Posts: 43
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"the smoother the ride, the more time and effort was spent"

agree. :)

Post May 31st, 2003, 12:19 pm

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Generally speaking, the main reason for keeping a track smooth is to keep the g's down. If there's the odd bump that gives 5/6 postive verical g's, then what the hell - it'd just make the ride more interesting.

It becomes a problem when the track is that rough that the rider is constantly under 6-8 g's. That'd just cause blackouts :(

In real life, you do find the odd coaster that has some rough bits, and in general, people will moan about this when they get off ;) The Shockwave in Drayton Manor is a perfect example. Built by Intamin, it gets a bit rough going into the loop and most of the riders bump their head in the process!

Post May 31st, 2003, 9:15 pm

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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

Originally posted by whitewolf2759

Woodies in realy life aren't smoothe because the track, wheels, and supports don't vibrate as much as a steel coaster. In sims the track should be just as smooth as any steel ones. As for importance, to a point, if you have a bup that puts 10 g's on the rider you need to fix that. But in my opinion "the smoother the ride, the more time and effort was spent"

But if you make the track realistic, then it would be rough for a woodie. Even if its just a game, it would be cool to have rough woodies. And I think that arrow coasters should have some roughness too when people make them, but not high g's, then they would be really realistic. I din't know why realsim is bad, but then people say that its good to have realsitic coasters. They are just being oxymorons, and rough woodies and arrow coasters would actually be good. As long as the g's weren't over the limits.

Post May 31st, 2003, 9:29 pm

Posts: 776
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Location: Alberta, Canada
there is a difference between roughness and smooth ness, roughness would be throughout then entire ride, not just at the vertexs. they should have some shake, but not be unsmooth

Post May 31st, 2003, 9:33 pm

Posts: 4138
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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

But in real life, those two coasters are unsmooth, so it would be realistic, and yes, should have some shake, but I don't know why you think the coasters should be smooth, even if the real type of ride isn't.

Post May 31st, 2003, 9:49 pm

Posts: 4138
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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

I know, but woodies are actually better when they are rough. And It is actually hard to make a woodie the same roughness as the real ride, which means that making it smooth is rather easy, compared to making it realistically rough.

Post June 1st, 2003, 4:45 am
pym User avatar

Posts: 43
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so maybe it would nice to have another option in NL... Roughness generator... After you made a perfect smooth track, you push the butoon and, oh! a perfect woodie! lol
But in fact we can have shocks on or not yet, so...

Post June 1st, 2003, 10:24 am

Posts: 189
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Location: United Kingdom

There's a few woodies on here that pull off the impression of it being rough quite well already I think, where it pulls a sharp downhill (without TOO many g's) at a decent speed, and you know you'd just be flung up in the air :D

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