Ok, so, we are getting off topic just a tad, but, no biggie, as my little brother used to say: "it is just part of your celery." having looked at the price of produce recently, getting paid in celery does not seem so bad...lol )
I think it was the second year after Millennium Force opened I was in line and there was this kid near me that wouldn't stop talking about how MF pulled 8 G's at the bottom of the first hill.
Yeah, sorry, the + meant 4 or more positive G forces. Also, if you want to blackout on a coaster, the helix on Goliath at SFMM pulls some really heavy-duty lateral g's, I black out in the helix almost every time I ride it.
I've only ever grayed out/blacked out once. It was on MF and it king of freaked me out because I had never had that happen before and I've ridden that ride countless times. Anyways I think Tower of Terror pulls the most G's at 6.3g's.
I remember riding I305 In the front before the trims right after it opened. You teleport from 15ft after the lead in to the turn then halfway up the hill you re-appear.
I've only ever grayed out/blacked out once. It was on MF and it king of freaked me out because I had never had that happen before and I've ridden that ride countless times. Anyways I think Tower of Terror pulls the most G's at 6.3g's.
When everyone's online and can, at a whim, do a search on the tallest/fastest coaster, it makes the discussion quite hilarious (sometimes painful) to read. A particular favorite from page 7: "No the king the caw is" (He's trying to say Kingda Ka lol.)