Well, look at what my little poll started! a gigantic fight over something incereadibly stupid LOL! I think that SFMM is better, IMO, because it is closer to me and it has never rained or anything like that when I went. But CP does some times. But what realy made me made was that the last time I went to sfmm, the ride I was waiting to ride that summer,X, it was closed
, I was so mad, I will tell you what I was thinking when I found out: what the ***? why the hell would X be closed, oh! I know why, because stupid A** arrow is cheap and they are gay! Why, out of all the compines, did arrow have to come up with X, this ****ing sucks, rrrrrrrrrrr!!. Thats what I was thinking, I didn't even ride dejavu because the stupid line was so long, LOL. But I am going in July YA!!!