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More 3D problems - invisible walls!

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Post May 31st, 2003, 9:59 pm

Posts: 189
Points on hand: 3,810.00 Points
Location: United Kingdom

Hi all,

Sorry if you feel like I'm bugging you with my 3D problems, but until you can recommend somewhere better to ask, I'll have to keep harassing you all ;)

Basically, I'm trying to make a dome that the train can go into. Creating the dome hasn't made any problems in itself, but once the train gets inside the dome there doesn't seem to be any textures on the inside - you can see outside the dome!

I've got access to quite a variety of 3D proggies through various peeps I know, so if you can explain how to do it in any piece of software I should be able to get it sorted.



Post May 31st, 2003, 10:15 pm

Posts: 48
Points on hand: 3,320.00 Points
you can't just make a dome itself. You need to make it hollow, and in the shape the train will go into-i.e. model an inside and an outside. Does that make any sense at all?

Post May 31st, 2003, 10:42 pm

Posts: 189
Points on hand: 3,810.00 Points
Location: United Kingdom

Nopers, none ;)

So far, I've been creating a sphere and cutting off the bottom half of it. Lemme guess, I'm going about this the wrong way :(

Basically, I want to have a dome with a hole in the center and two holes on the sides...

Post May 31st, 2003, 10:45 pm

Posts: 189
Points on hand: 3,810.00 Points
Location: United Kingdom

Oh, and another one for the 3ds.

I remember ages ago when I run through a tutorial, there was a modifier you could apply to an object to kill it off, but also remove any part of another object it was overlapping.

IE, if you have a sphere, and you place a cube over 1/8 of it, you could apply a modifier of some sort to the cube to remove it and leave a section cut out of the sphere.

Does that make any sense? lol

Post May 31st, 2003, 11:00 pm

Posts: 776
Points on hand: 4,606.00 Points
Location: Alberta, Canada
yes, that is called a boolean. You need to extrued the polys on the outside a bit, then revers the inside ones, it's just that simple.

Post May 31st, 2003, 11:11 pm

Posts: 189
Points on hand: 3,810.00 Points
Location: United Kingdom

What operation would I run on the cyliner to "cut it out" of the cube?

Post May 31st, 2003, 11:14 pm

Posts: 776
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Location: Alberta, Canada

Post May 31st, 2003, 11:17 pm

Posts: 189
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Location: United Kingdom

Post May 31st, 2003, 11:24 pm

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Location: Alberta, Canada

Post May 31st, 2003, 11:37 pm

Posts: 189
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Location: United Kingdom

Post May 31st, 2003, 11:37 pm

Posts: 189
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Location: United Kingdom

Post May 31st, 2003, 11:41 pm

Posts: 776
Points on hand: 4,606.00 Points
Location: Alberta, Canada
k, select the cube, and go: create, geometry, compound objects, then click on boolean. then click select operand B, and click on the cylinder.

Post May 31st, 2003, 11:53 pm

Posts: 189
Points on hand: 3,810.00 Points
Location: United Kingdom

Ohhhhhh, coolies. Thank you :)

Any ideas how I can create the dome mentioned above though? IE, with textures on the inside too...

Post June 1st, 2003, 12:15 am

Posts: 48
Points on hand: 3,320.00 Points
ok, think about a dome stadium for a minute. Then, imagine trying to model the whole thing in one piece, You would do it by making the whole thing solid, boring a whole in the middle, boring holes out too the edge, then modeling the seats, field, rafters, etc. on the inside ON SEPERATE POLY's from the outside while modeling the external features on the outside.

if that doesn't make sense, here's some ascii of a cutaway of a thin slice of the dome

I hope that formats right. Anyways, if that doesn't clarify things, just post your email, and I'll email you a paint drawing of what I mean.

Edit-it ain't going to format right, just post your email, and I'll send it to you as a paint drawing

Post June 1st, 2003, 12:22 am

Posts: 189
Points on hand: 3,810.00 Points
Location: United Kingdom

Alas! I've just figured out the dome :)

Anyone who wants the 3ds of this when I'm done is more than welcome to it, lol.

Post June 1st, 2003, 12:26 am

Posts: 189
Points on hand: 3,810.00 Points
Location: United Kingdom

Now for the next step in this problem - is there any way to increase the light levels inside this dome?

I want the riders to be able to see what's going on...

Post June 1st, 2003, 12:34 am

Posts: 776
Points on hand: 4,606.00 Points
Location: Alberta, Canada
not in NL, you just need to you bright mats. on the inside

Post June 1st, 2003, 12:58 am

Posts: 189
Points on hand: 3,810.00 Points
Location: United Kingdom

Okies - got that working. Now how do I apply a different texture to the outside than the inside?

Also, does anyone have a decent black/yellow stripe texture (like warning lines) that'll look good on the inside of a tunnel?

My mind's not working right to try and make one now ;)

Post June 1st, 2003, 1:25 am

Posts: 210
Points on hand: 3,980.00 Points
Location: Wa, USA

Well,in a picture editor, or you can just use ms paint, open one of the texture files copy it, then open the other texture file, in the attributes options, make it big anuf so you know that both the textures will fit, then past the copied texture. Then save it as what ever. Now go into 3ds max, load your dome, in the material/map editor, open your newly save texture file. Now drag it to the dome, and in the moderfiers drop down. click unwrap uvw. Make sure the dome is clicked while you do this. Now, this is the hard part, which I cannot explan in simple words, so just go to the tutorial section, you should find something or go here and navigate your way to the max tutorial section.

Post June 1st, 2003, 3:04 am

Posts: 776
Points on hand: 4,606.00 Points
Location: Alberta, Canada
ok... you could do it that way, or you could do it the easy way. Turn the dome into an editable poly, then select the polys in the inside of the dome, go to your mats. editor and aply the mats. to those polys. repleat for the rest.

Post June 1st, 2003, 10:26 am

Posts: 189
Points on hand: 3,810.00 Points
Location: United Kingdom

Is there an easy way to get at the polys inside the dome though? It's not like I can just fly in there now, is it? ;)

Post June 1st, 2003, 12:53 pm

Posts: 189
Points on hand: 3,810.00 Points
Location: United Kingdom

On second thoughts, is anyone willing to sort out the textures for me if I send them the 3ds / max file?

I never was very artistic :(

Post June 1st, 2003, 1:53 pm

Posts: 776
Points on hand: 4,606.00 Points
Location: Alberta, Canada

Post June 1st, 2003, 2:17 pm

Posts: 189
Points on hand: 3,810.00 Points
Location: United Kingdom

Cheers mate. You didn't say whether you wanted the .3ds or the .max, so I've sent both :)

Post June 1st, 2003, 3:36 pm

Posts: 776
Points on hand: 4,606.00 Points
Location: Alberta, Canada


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