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Say hi to the crowd of CoasterCrazians!

Post May 3rd, 2011, 9:16 pm

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Hey, I'm a new member here. I just wanted to introduce myself.

A few quick facts:

- Anti-patriotic US citizen.
- Religiously open-minded.
- Coaster fanatic (really?)

Post May 3rd, 2011, 9:34 pm

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Post May 3rd, 2011, 9:35 pm

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Hi fake account!
Oh, were you expecting something here?

Post May 3rd, 2011, 9:40 pm

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Post May 3rd, 2011, 11:08 pm

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Nice job Wambulance. Scare off the new guy.
[19:34:14] RideWarriorNation: jim
[19:34:27] RideWarriorNation: can you pls change sig
[19:35:22] Jcoasters: ok
[19:35:39] RideWarriorNation: ty

Post May 3rd, 2011, 11:08 pm

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I think you mean... WHAT THE FIRETRUCK??????????????

Post May 4th, 2011, 1:58 am
gouldy User avatar
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>Anti-patriotic US citizen
>Religiously open-minded

Obvious fake account is obvious.

Post May 4th, 2011, 8:13 am

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I talked to him last night. He is real!
This is not my signature.

Post May 4th, 2011, 8:17 am
RideWarriorNation User avatar
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we at coastercrazy are firm believers of Jesus Christ. please come back more open minded.

Post May 4th, 2011, 12:53 pm

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Afghanistan? Oh... sorry guys... I couldn't find "United States" on the profile thing so I tried to go back up and click blank or something. I must have selected Afghanistan on accident.

EDIT: Alright, I fixed it. Sorry for the confusion. It's never good to be instantly labeled as fake.

By the way, the anti-patriotic part is true. I don't support patriotism because I believe that it distorts world views. But, yes, I am from the U.S, NOT Afghanistan.

Post May 4th, 2011, 1:36 pm
gouldy User avatar
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^ Patriotism, the idea that "the place where I live is the best place to live because I live there".

Sorry I thought you were someone's fake account, you can understand why there was the confusion, with the Afghanistan debacle [lol]

Post May 4th, 2011, 6:18 pm

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a person who vigorously supports his country and its way of life

No where does it say that person believes their country is the best or right, but that they support it. If none of us supported our respective countries, well, thats pretty shameful. Doesnt mean we have to agree with everything they do, but if it was invaded, if you didnt stand up and defend it, thats pretty detestable (unless, of course, the country is completely off the deep end)

The version you are mixing up Gouldy is the version where people mix patriotism with EGO. They are not the same, but when mixed, you get the result you described.

Post May 4th, 2011, 6:44 pm

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Originally posted by RideWarriorNation

we at coastercrazy are firm believers of Jesus Christ. please come back more open minded.

love off. This site is not for any religion, and anyone can join.
[19:34:14] RideWarriorNation: jim
[19:34:27] RideWarriorNation: can you pls change sig
[19:35:22] Jcoasters: ok
[19:35:39] RideWarriorNation: ty

Post May 4th, 2011, 6:47 pm
gouldy User avatar
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When someone says the word patriotism, even if not in the context of America; all I can think of is fat people going: "USA USA USA".

I understand the dictionary definition of the word, but really, it's not actually quite the meaning of patriotism, to me. In that sense, that particular dictionary definition more closely relates to "loyalty", rather than patriotism. Although those two words could be interchanged, to a point, that definition just doesn't quite seem to describe exactly what patriotism is.

Patriotism to me stands more closely for a blindness to one's own country's failings and a willingness to stand for it's ideals and beliefs, even if that isn't your genuine personal belief system - purely because it is the country where you live/were born/were brought up.

Post May 4th, 2011, 6:57 pm

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^That's an incorrect definition that you're assuming it's based on though. Your letting your stereotypes lead the real meaning of it. Just because there are extremists, doesn't mean "Patriotism" is a bad thing.

It's like the stupid stereotypes people have about Muslims. I know a few Muslim people, and they are really normal, just like us. However, I know that would shock some people, mainly because they just group all Muslims in the "Arab-style, Osama bin Laden people", which is false. Those are extremists. Heck, even Christianity has extremists.

I mean, I'd say that I'm Patriotic. I'm not fat, nor do I have my house covered in American flags (we don't even have one). I like my country, despite some of the decisions its Congress makes and its people decide who to elect. But I'm not extremist or anything.

Post May 4th, 2011, 7:35 pm

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yea Gould, you are really skewing that term. Cant we use something more appropriate, like a ZEALOT?


- n
an immoderate, fanatical, or extremely zealous adherent to a cause, esp a religious one (add, anything you could follow, country, religion, cult, sport, etc)

Lets call an apple an apple and an orange an orange here. I know plenty of patriotic people who will stand up for what it right just as much as standing up against the wrong. Doesnt mean you follow blindly, thats what a Zealot does. They also tend to be extreme in all aspects.

Post May 4th, 2011, 7:41 pm

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Originally posted by gouldy

When someone says the word patriotism, even if not in the context of America; all I can think of is fat people going: "USA USA USA".

I understand the dictionary definition of the word, but really, it's not actually quite the meaning of patriotism, to me. In that sense, that particular dictionary definition more closely relates to "loyalty", rather than patriotism. Although those two words could be interchanged, to a point, that definition just doesn't quite seem to describe exactly what patriotism is.

Patriotism to me stands more closely for a blindness to one's own country's failings and a willingness to stand for it's ideals and beliefs, even if that isn't your genuine personal belief system - purely because it is the country where you live/were born/were brought up.

You're confusing patriotism with ignorance.

Post May 4th, 2011, 7:52 pm

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You guys are confusing patriotism with jingoism...
Oh, were you expecting something here?

Post May 5th, 2011, 1:45 pm

Posts: 31
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Location: USA
This might help...

Patriotism < Nationalism < Fascism

The greatness representing the intensity of "my nation is the best!"

So, let's rephrase this. Patriotism might be fine, but Nationalism and Fascism aren't. (In my eyes.)

Post May 5th, 2011, 4:49 pm

Posts: 277
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Natonalism sucks and anyone who is a nationalist should go on holiday to another country so their ego quickly dies at the hands of the French.

But welcome, and try to contribute more than I do (c'cus I generally don't do a lot).

Post May 5th, 2011, 8:18 pm

Posts: 428
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Originally posted by Jcoasters

Originally posted by RideWarriorNation

we at coastercrazy are firm believers of Jesus Christ. please come back more open minded.

love off. This site is not for any religion, and anyone can join.

on our official minecraft server with have a 100ft burning cross. It suits both the religious and anti religious. (Because it is netherrack so it will always be burning)
You expecting something not being here?

Post May 5th, 2011, 8:39 pm

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^What about Jewish people or Muslims?
[19:34:14] RideWarriorNation: jim
[19:34:27] RideWarriorNation: can you pls change sig
[19:35:22] Jcoasters: ok
[19:35:39] RideWarriorNation: ty

Post May 5th, 2011, 8:41 pm

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You're in the right place for all three of those things. Perfect place, actually...

Post May 5th, 2011, 8:51 pm

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[19:34:14] RideWarriorNation: jim
[19:34:27] RideWarriorNation: can you pls change sig
[19:35:22] Jcoasters: ok
[19:35:39] RideWarriorNation: ty

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