Originally posted by Jonny Richey
I really don't see how so many of you can not like the Eagle. It's got speed, airtime, a great layout..... and it's a racer.
It has speed and it's pretty smooth because the what I'll call "inverted topper track" system they used on it was a good 25+ years ahead of its time.
I know you're attached to the thing but you really need to look at the ride realistically and see that the giant helix on the ass end of it was a horrendously bad idea, and the ride just doesn't have air. It's great until it hits the helix, and then it just totally dies.
Most of the airtime I get on that ride is the upstops jackhammer bouncing around a drop that has the same radius as Millennium Force.
I know you like it, and yes I've ridden it with the trims off on both sides, backwards, and all of that business, it's just it really doesn't do much. Before you tell me I haven't had the perfect ride or whatever keep in mind I've been riding that since before you were living in your dad's balls.
I'm sorry but it's something you need to deal with. As far as wooden rides go, it's really a pretty terrible representation and there is a reason why Intamin only made AE and White Cyclone during that slice of time. Personally, I hope it gets the iron horse treatment like Texas Giant did because I feel like they could double and triple dip the balls off of that thing and do all kinds of neat stuff with it.