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MY comp wont install NO-LIMITS woodie update

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My computer wont let me install the woodie update i have already downloaded it but an error message always comes up and it wont work so i was wondering if ne body could help me out?

Post June 6th, 2003, 5:39 pm

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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

What message do you get? It might be because you have moved NL to a different location than it was originally installed, or if you are in my situation where I downloaded NL on a different account (an option in case you want to seperate your files from your family or whatever) Then you have to go onto the original acount that you installed NL on. You can also contact about your problem.

Post June 6th, 2003, 7:54 pm

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That'll depend on the version of windows this guy is running Intamin meladdo.

Only an NTFS partition holds local security data, and only windows NT4, 2000, XP and server 2003 support NTFS.

Even then, I think most machines come with a FAT partition anyway...

If you post the actual error here, we may be able to help. If not, pop an email off to MadData like Intamin said :)

Post June 6th, 2003, 11:15 pm
Oscar User avatar
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and although rude as this may seem, it most likely doesn't work because you downloaded NL off Kazaa and did not purchase it, as the update was made to block out the ones that were distributed among Kazaa and other p2p and file sharing progs/networks, is this the case pal? If not, then please say so, so that we can help you further.

Post June 7th, 2003, 2:33 pm

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I downloaded it right off of the No-Limits website i dont even have kazaa and it says "The required full version (1.26x) cannot be found. But i dont know why because i have version 1.262 that i downloaded right off of the website. If this is just a stupid mistake by me then sry but if u guys think u can help then by all means ....HELP!!!!! Cause i see all these cool wooden coasters that i want to download but i cant cause it wont let me update the program.

Post June 7th, 2003, 3:22 pm
Oscar User avatar
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ok, well e-mail and tell them about the problem, they will require the information you provided to them when you purchased the game. That is the name on thrcredit card that purchased it and also the e-mail you used for them to send you the download link. Then my good friend Joerg there will be able to send you a download link with 1.3 installed on it already. E-mail and let me know how it works out.

Post June 7th, 2003, 8:15 pm

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Alternatively, if you're just running the demo version then the update may not apply properly - I've not tried it myself.

If you like the other coasters you've been able to try, then by all means go ahead and buy the game. I'll say it's worth the $25 (just ?????????16 here in the UK!) and I'm sure a lot of other people here would :)

Post June 9th, 2003, 8:56 pm

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same here. the NL i got was off kazaa, it wont work so dont try over an over. wut happened when it was installed was that it said the registration code was wrong! then when it was about to work it deleted all of the NL files.[:(]

Post June 9th, 2003, 9:02 pm

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You got NL off kazaa!!??? That's stealing!!!!!Can't you just pay $25 for it?

Post June 9th, 2003, 9:04 pm

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jeeze, getting off Kazaa, that is so wrong. How can you steal?

Post June 11th, 2003, 8:30 pm

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Just for the record i didnt get mine off of kazza i got it off of the website and when i got it at christmas i got it for $9.95 and i will try ur idea as soon as i can TY!!!!![:D]

Post June 12th, 2003, 8:36 am

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dude, you didnt gety it off kazaa, but you got it of kazaa's website. wtf

Post June 12th, 2003, 12:18 pm

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Post June 12th, 2003, 7:06 pm

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Basically, he pirated it from another site. Go somewhere else to pirate software.

Post June 12th, 2003, 9:53 pm

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Personally, I'm not 100% against piracy.

I say, if you must, download a game from Kazaa, Warez sites or whatever, but if you like the game then pay for it!

I've always thought demos were a little too restrictive - there's just so much you can't do with them :(

Not the case with NoLimits mind, thank god :)

Scream Machines pops in to mind though :(

Post June 12th, 2003, 11:26 pm

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Location: New Jersey, NJ, USA

i downloaded it off of the NO-LIMITS WEBSITE not kaaza i dont even own kaaza and y r u jumping to conclusions am juss asking for help.

Post June 12th, 2003, 11:35 pm

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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

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