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Cedar Point's treatment of fat people

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Cedar Point's treatment of fat people

Total votes : 53

Post July 15th, 2011, 6:33 pm

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Originally posted by cjd

I used to barely fit on CP's coasters as well, at 270 lbs, and I really do feel bad for those who are unable to. IMO, it's really Intamin's fault for not adding in at least one oversize seat that an obese person could sit in. (B&M does this on their coasters.)

But with that said, I recently discovered that losing weight isn't all that difficult. And here's a hint: the problem isn't fat, it's your blood sugar. Just eat nothing but foods with a Glycemic index value below 40, and eat a protein-filled breakfast within an hour of waking up every morning, and you'll start dropping pounds immediately, even with no exercise. My girlfriend taught me about this, and she's lost 35 pounds in the last 4 months after a lifetime of being unable to lose weight. I started it about a month ago, and have already lost 15.

So in a way, the real problem is our modern diet. The government has been peddling lies about lowfat diets, and it's their fault that everyone started using high-fructose corn syrup, with a Glycemic value of 100, instead of real sugar which is only 65. There's a reason why diabetes, heart disease, and obesity suddenly shot up after the government began subsidizing it in the late 70's.

For the last 50 years, we've slowly been replacing fat with sugar, under the government's assertion that saturated fat was the devil, and look what it's done to us. No link has ever been found between fat intake and cholesterol levels, and likewise it has been proven that fat intake has nothing to do with body fat levels. We've been lied to, my friends, and thus this entire obesity epidemic is their fault. If we really want to solve this size issue, all we have to do is go back to eating real food: natural fats like lard and butter instead of all these processed vegetable oils, good protein from meat and nuts, low-sugar fruits, and vegetables. Not all of this sugary artificial processed crap that is killing us.

*steps down off of soapbox...*

Wow....that's really a good lifestyle change. Now I am just a little overweight, not full-out obese. I'm 16 years old, 5'8 and 186lbs and have a 42in waistline. Last year at a 46in I really had to squeeze into TTD, MF and the Cedar Creek Mine Ride(Hey, Im a sucker for a good mine train coaster[:)]) But anyways the reason why I lost 15lbs was because I cut back on the Moutain Dew and Coke and started drinking more water and organic juices. And I began eating more organic fruits,vegatables and whole grains. Ive gone for almost a year and a half without eating fast food and I hope I can keep at it.

Post July 15th, 2011, 6:43 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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[cjd]That's because the government lied to you nolimits. Eat a can of lard you bought at the store (don't worry it will not be processed whatsoever, because that makes sense). The lard will be 100% healthy. BUT DON'T TOUCH THAT HERSHEY BAR IT IS THE CANCER DEVIL. Praise him.[/cjd]
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Post July 16th, 2011, 11:18 am

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First, like the Roger Clemens case, this is a huge mis-trial. You are attacking Cedar Point when it is clearly not THEIR policy alone. They follow the regulations of the RIDE MANUFACTURER so you are better off to attack and try to place blame on the individual ride requirements.

So this whole thing is really bogus in that respect.

CKW - normally you've got good counter points but I think your pre-disposition towards CJD and his background really skewed your answers. Its not even worth replying to all of it because you're responses are more based on your views of him than anything. No where does he mention the word conspiracy yet you try to use it like 2 or 3 times.

But back to the original point - CP follows the manufacturers recommendations and in some cases, goes above and beyond those for safety. If you are too big to fit into the rides, start losing weight. I have a friend who had gotten pretty huge, something like 400+ and he has lost 210 lbs and is looking to fit into the Intamins this year or next. Steady working out (walking for starters - just a lot of it) and then eating right. Hes noticing a much better life as a result and the whole coaster thing is just a bonus (even though it was one of the main motivators).

Dont blame parks for following the manufacturers rules.

Post July 16th, 2011, 11:53 am
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Inventing the idea out of thin air that "the government" is telling people the wrong thing is suggesting a government conspiracy, and since that's coming from someone who has no clue how anything outside his church box of denial works, I WILL point it out.
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Post July 16th, 2011, 1:00 pm

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You still fabricated it out of bias and assumption. You didnt provide any good data to back up that the Gov hasnt have influence on such things as food. Remember, the Gov does still have influence on trade, import and export and thus they can influence what and how we eat to a certain extent. When things (because of imposed fees, costs, etc) become too much to import or export we look for cheaper alternatives - usually at the cost of quality.

Like you, I prefer the natural Sugar Mt Dew WHEN I actually drink one. I know my body metabolizes and uses the sugar correctly as opposed to the HFCS but still, it is truth that its more expensive buy why? Couldnt that by cheaper to import or make? Wouldnt the Gov has some input on that?

You took what he said the way you wanted because its how you see him. You could have easily not been so abrasive or in the very least provided some data to back it up man. Your entire last 2 lines prove your ignorance and bias towards anything he says which makes your comments more or less invalid. Same reason I mentioned the Roger Clemens trial...prior knowledge taints your output.

Post July 16th, 2011, 2:38 pm
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Originally posted by Real

You still fabricated it out of bias and assumption. You didnt provide any good data to back up that the Gov hasnt have influence on such things as food. Remember, the Gov does still have influence on trade, import and export and thus they can influence what and how we eat to a certain extent. When things (because of imposed fees, costs, etc) become too much to import or export we look for cheaper alternatives - usually at the cost of quality.

People study this for a good portion of their life and make educated decisions based on that experience. It is not "the government pushing lies" or whatever. Nutrition is quite possibly the worst minefield of bad information to navigate. The best example of this are weight loss pills and bodybuilding magazines. Openly deciding that saturated fat is totally cool and okay is a stupid thing to say and I will come down on him for it.

Originally posted by Real
Like you, I prefer the natural Sugar Mt Dew WHEN I actually drink one. I know my body metabolizes and uses the sugar correctly as opposed to the HFCS but still, it is truth that its more expensive buy why? Couldnt that by cheaper to import or make? Wouldnt the Gov has some input on that?

Consumer choice. Like we choose to buy poop from China and then complain about its quality while simultaneously not paying an extra dollar for the made in America product.

Originally posted by Real
You took what he said the way you wanted because its how you see him. You could have easily not been so abrasive or in the very least provided some data to back it up man. Your entire last 2 lines prove your ignorance and bias towards anything he says which makes your comments more or less invalid. Same reason I mentioned the Roger Clemens trial...prior knowledge taints your output.

He is an idiot, and people that spread disguised hate like he does in bogus programs like "christian education" are the reason why the teenage suicide rate is so high. A very smart undergraduate girl killed herself as a result of this because she couldn't deal with being a lesbian, and it is entirely because her parents forced her to enroll in a "pray away the gay" style program which is promptly committed suicide after completing a few sessions. Nothing positive to society comes out of it, and there is no reason why he couldn't go to a real school and get a generic regular education degree instead of watered down "christian education" baloney. My "bias" exists from repeated stupidity and a total lack of empathy for others he constantly displays.

Now let me update my poker blog so I can prolong the tournament by another month unless I'm suddenly motivated to use 2 hours of my time to finish 4 rates.
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Post July 16th, 2011, 3:05 pm

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As far as I am aware, the only rides in the entire state of CA that have tester seats are Xcelerator and Tatsu, Silver Bullet might, I don't remember, but I do know I have yet to see a tester seat for flat rides in the entire state of CA.
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Post July 16th, 2011, 3:07 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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That's really interesting because usually kids are climbing all over the test seats at SFGAm.
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Post July 16th, 2011, 3:10 pm

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Coasterkid, do we really have to do this every single time I make a post in the off-topic forum? I'm really getting sick of it.

"Anything outside the church box of denial?" Seriously, dude, you don't know me, and you're making accusations based on personal prejudices against Christianity.

For starters, I didn't even go to a church for the first 23 years of my life. The first time that I set foot in an actual church service was in July of 2009. I went to public school, I was an engineering major for the first 21 years of my life, and one of the reasons I initially didn't want to become a Christian in the first place was because I disagreed with them about denying evolution and their treatment of homosexuals.

Anyway, getting back to the big reply that you made to me:

1. My degree is from a real college, thank you very much. It is from Muskingum University, a liberal-arts college loosely affiliated with the Presbyterian church (in the same way that most small colleges are.) This school hardly has any religious aspect to it at all. In the entire school, there was one other Christian Ed major, and even then they focus on a diverse education in all fields. 90% of my courses were math, science, history, writing, literature, and art. Plus, within the degree, 3 of my 4 education classes were from the regular education department. And the one Christian-Ed-specific class that I had? It was all about something called the "community of learning," a concept about how traditional lecturing doesn't involve its students, and the key is to get them involved with the material personally, and invite them to make inferences and thus feel like they are involved rather than passive participants. There was no brainwashing involved, nor do I plan on participating in such. I'm in Christian Ed because I believe my calling is to help create a better, less-hypocritical generation of Christians. You and your accusations are the exact reason why I want to do it, because I'm tired of us being called intolerant and hypocrites, and I want to teach kids to love their neighbor as themselves, have compassion on the poor and those in weaker positions, and above all, to practice what they preach and to lead by example.

2. The government started subsidizing corn, and without their subsidies, high-fructose corn syrup wouldn't be cheaper than real sugar, and thus soda companies wouldn't be using it.

3. Actually, it's not a simple matter of "energy in" vs "energy out." It's about blood sugar. When your blood sugar levels go quickly up, from fast-carbs like white bread and corn syrup, your body has to quickly release insulin to control the blood-sugar spike. This excess blood sugar is stored as body fat. Protein and fats, on the other hand, take longer to process into energy, and thus raise your blood sugar very slowly over long periods of time. Thus your body uses that energy as it needs it rather than having to quickly react to drop the blood sugar levels, and thus almost none of that energy is stored as body fat.

Let's compare your doughnut example to another "unhealthy" food that just about everyone shuns, full-fat pork sausage. Doughnuts have a glycemic index value of 76, meaning that for every gram of carbs in the doughnut, it will raise your blood sugar 76% as much as a gram of pure glucose. So in a 200-calorie doughnut, it has 21 grams of carbohydrates, for a net increase of 15.96. Sausage, on the other hand, only has a glycemic index value of 28, so for every gram of carbs in the sausage, your blood sugar will only go up 28% as much as a gram of pure glucose. One link of sausage, about 230 calories, only has 2.9 grams of carbs, for a net increase of only 0.812. Thus, one doughnut increases your blood sugar faster than 15 links of sausage could, and thus has a much bigger impact on your weight.

I know this probably sounds crazy, but it works. I've been pigging out on bacon, sausage, beef jerky, cheese, fried eggs, vegetables dripping in butter, and pork rinds, everything that the government tells you not to eat, all without counting a single calorie or reducing the amount of food that I eat whatsoever, and I have lost 15 pounds in the last month. It really is that easy. All you have to do is stop eating grains, sugars, and other foods with a Glycemic index value over 40.

4. I'm not saying that it's a "conspiracy," which would imply that they have some secret plan to get all of us fat, but I am saying that it is a lie based on bad science, not supported by recent discoveries, and yet they continue to force it on us. I had their nutritional advice literally FORCED on me as a kid. Surely you also had the food pyramid all throughout school, which recommended 6-12 servings of bread, cereal, rice, and pasta per day and only 2 servings of meat, and all forms of saturated fat were considered dietary sins that you should never eat if you didn't want to have a heart attack.

Research has been shown (and any amount of basic internet searching would confirm this,) that not only does saturated fat not cause you to gain weight, but it actually has a positive impact on blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. (If you're interested seeing a movie based on this, where someone eats a high-fat diet for 30 days and checks his weight and blood readings afterward, watch "Fat Head." It's quite interesting.)

I don't know what you think I am trying to personally gain by saying all of this. I'm just saying that it works, and that when all of this is considered, it's no wonder that people in this country are getting fatter. Just about all of America's processed foods are loaded with sugar and loaded with high-GI foods but low in fat because for so long our government has taught us from infancy that a high-fat diet would kill us, but sugars were no big deal as long as we kept our calories low. And I'm telling you from personal experience, as well as from my girlfriend's personal experience, they were wrong.

Post July 16th, 2011, 3:27 pm
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Guys, if you really want to discuss whether your government is fatting up the people 'Hansel and Gretchen'-style, you are on the wrong website.

Lets keep this topic about whether amusement parks and ride builders should accommodate bigger persons.

If you really want to discus the conspiracy theory, make a separate topic for it and don't poison this thread.

Post July 16th, 2011, 3:55 pm
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Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm

That's really interesting because usually kids are climbing all over the test seats at SFGAm.

Yeah, we don't really have the obesity problem out of control like the midwest does so I guess we really don't need tester seats to see if you will fit on it. *zoink* [:X]
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post July 16th, 2011, 3:59 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Hahahaha I'll accept that zinger.
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Post July 16th, 2011, 4:59 pm
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I've never had a problem getting into roller coasters, and I eat A LOT, but that might be because:
- I work out on a daily basis
- I snowboard every weekend of winter
- I'm on my school football team (even though i hate it)
- I'm always outside, and rarely inside anymore
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Coasterkidmwm wrote:
4 G's to the taint was a bit much for me because I'm not a power bottom like Turbo

Post July 16th, 2011, 5:48 pm

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I actually lost a vast amount of weight I used to be 350 and now I am 210. Coasters were my biggest motivation to do so. Most overweight people generally do not realize how big they are. I always thought just because I could fit into a B&M last season, I can do it this season; but it reality that wasn't the case. I just kept getting bigger and bigger to the point where I could only fit into arrow rides; and it was not only embarrasing but frustrating.

So I got serious, and I worked my ass off to lose my weight. I got to my goal weight in 11 months, and I now have an amazing time at parks, and I never have to worry about not fitting into the seats. I still have sympathy for overweight guests. I would never wish being overweight on my worst enemy, it isn't a good feeling at all. I only hope that you larger guys get the motivation like I had, it's totally worth it!

Post July 16th, 2011, 6:17 pm

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^And that is why they should make more intamins with tbars! Nobody will have any motivation if they try to accommodate for EVERYTHING.

Post July 16th, 2011, 8:58 pm

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Does anyone else think it's unfair that seat belt lengths vary from seat-to-seat on Cedar Fair coasters?
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Post July 16th, 2011, 10:10 pm

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Dont think its just cedar fair coasters if its true, although i have not noticed that.

Post July 16th, 2011, 11:16 pm
SauronHimself User avatar
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Originally posted by nolimitsfan38

Originally posted by cjd

I used to barely fit on CP's coasters as well, at 270 lbs, and I really do feel bad for those who are unable to. IMO, it's really Intamin's fault for not adding in at least one oversize seat that an obese person could sit in. (B&M does this on their coasters.)

But with that said, I recently discovered that losing weight isn't all that difficult. And here's a hint: the problem isn't fat, it's your blood sugar. Just eat nothing but foods with a Glycemic index value below 40, and eat a protein-filled breakfast within an hour of waking up every morning, and you'll start dropping pounds immediately, even with no exercise. My girlfriend taught me about this, and she's lost 35 pounds in the last 4 months after a lifetime of being unable to lose weight. I started it about a month ago, and have already lost 15.

So in a way, the real problem is our modern diet. The government has been peddling lies about lowfat diets, and it's their fault that everyone started using high-fructose corn syrup, with a Glycemic value of 100, instead of real sugar which is only 65. There's a reason why diabetes, heart disease, and obesity suddenly shot up after the government began subsidizing it in the late 70's.

For the last 50 years, we've slowly been replacing fat with sugar, under the government's assertion that saturated fat was the devil, and look what it's done to us. No link has ever been found between fat intake and cholesterol levels, and likewise it has been proven that fat intake has nothing to do with body fat levels. We've been lied to, my friends, and thus this entire obesity epidemic is their fault. If we really want to solve this size issue, all we have to do is go back to eating real food: natural fats like lard and butter instead of all these processed vegetable oils, good protein from meat and nuts, low-sugar fruits, and vegetables. Not all of this sugary artificial processed crap that is killing us.

*steps down off of soapbox...*

Wow....that's really a good lifestyle change. Now I am just a little overweight, not full-out obese. I'm 16 years old, 5'8 and 186lbs and have a 42in waistline. Last year at a 46in I really had to squeeze into TTD, MF and the Cedar Creek Mine Ride(Hey, Im a sucker for a good mine train coaster[:)]) But anyways the reason why I lost 15lbs was because I cut back on the Moutain Dew and Coke and started drinking more water and organic juices. And I began eating more organic fruits,vegatables and whole grains. Ive gone for almost a year and a half without eating fast food and I hope I can keep at it.

All that jazz you've read about eating whole grains is nonsense. You've been conditioned by the American Heart Association and its 30+ years of lobbyist politics to believe that saturated fat and high cholesterol will kill you. Watch "Fat Head" on Netflix or pirate it to see why anything with a lot of carbohydrates only serves to prevent long-term weight control and contributes heavily toward serious medical conditions. If you want the TL;DR of that documentary, it's this: Eat all the protein and saturated fat you want, but don't consume excess food. Counting calories isn't necessary, so just stop eating when your body says no. Eat only green vegetables, and do not eat any starchy vegetables like potatoes and rice. Not only will you see your weight drop a lot more quickly, you also won't develop metabolic syndrome, and your heart will be the healthiest it's been in years.

Post July 16th, 2011, 11:24 pm
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if you want to have a discussion on diet, please make a new topic in the "off topic" section of the forums. This thread is about Cedar Points treatment of fat people, so lets please stick to that subject.
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Post July 17th, 2011, 12:28 am

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I didn't read through all the posts, but I see it this way... Amusement parks should not have to accommodate people who are too morbidly obese to fit in their rides which can fit people who are VERY overweight already. If you actually are too big to get in, than that's your problem. Where do you draw the line if unbelievably fat people get their way and have bigger and bigger seats implemented? Lose weight if you want to do these things, because it's not like you won't fit if you're overweight. It can't be good for your heart at that size to go on anyways. To obese people who demand more accommodating seats, quit bitching and lose the weight.

Post July 17th, 2011, 11:41 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Originally posted by Jonny Richey

Does anyone else think it's unfair that seat belt lengths vary from seat-to-seat on Cedar Fair coasters?

Not at all. People shouldn't be so fat.
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Post July 17th, 2011, 2:50 pm

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So today, I went to Cedar and I had a pretty good time considering the whole thing with the seatbelts.

Lets cut to the chase, shall we?

Coasters I had no trouble fitting in:
Magnum XL-200
Disaster Transport

Coasters I had a little trouble fitting in:
Wicked Twister

Coasters that my fat arse could not fit in:
Woodstock's Express
Ceader Creek Mine Ride
Top Thrill Dragster
Millenium Force
Corkscrew (It was more that my arms were too big)

Words of wisdom: If you are a big guy and a coaster fan and want to have fun at CP....One word. MAVERICK. That ride has nice,roomy OSTRS that can basically fit all but the very morbidly obese. It's also,undoubtly, the BEST ride in the park. It seems that Mav is the only "big boy" friendly Intamin coaster in the park. If CP really had a brain and a heart, they would replace the trains on Millenium Force and TTD and give them the lap bar that goes down. Not exactly the OSTR part, but the lap bar that functions like an OSTR. I'm seeing HUNDREDS of sobstories on sites like RipOffReport,ComplaintsBoard saying that they were "discriminated" for being too big to ride. That seems a bit crybabyish. But there was a weight loss sucsess story based off of a trip to CP. This woman from Clevland went to CP just to get on TTD (this story was from 2004) she waited like 3 and a half hours just to get on and she was barely able to get the seatbelt across her midriff. A ride op told her she was too big and had to leave. She was absolutley devastated and drove back to Clevland in tears. But the woman used that incident to start slimming down, and the next year she was able to get on both TTD and MF! The thing is, its not just fat people thats having trouble fitting in, big muscular men and voloptuous women also have trouble fitting in. There was this guy with a wrestlers build (No six pack abs but large muscular arms and legs) I bet you a LOT of money he is going to have trouble with Millenium Force, Dragster and Mantis.

Truth be told, if you want to ride EVERY roller coaster in CP, you probably have to be between 5'6 and 6'2 and have a slender, petite body.

Post July 17th, 2011, 3:34 pm

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Not really.. And mf and ttd are some of the only recent intamins with comfortable tbars so i would be devastated if they changed that.

Post July 17th, 2011, 4:38 pm

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Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm

Originally posted by Jonny Richey

Does anyone else think it's unfair that seat belt lengths vary from seat-to-seat on Cedar Fair coasters?

Not at all. People shouldn't be so fat.

Shouln't they at least be told which seats can accomidate them? It's not exactly fair to have to try different seats ON THE SAME COASTER, to see if you fit. I'm sure your argument would be different if you or someone you know had trouble fitting on coasters....

Originally posted by Kyle Sloane

Dont think its just cedar fair coasters if its true, although i have not noticed that.

From what I hear, it pretty much is just Ceadar Fair. Most parks actually like to order the same seat belts for each seat on a ride.
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Post July 17th, 2011, 4:58 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Originally posted by Jonny Richey

Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm

Originally posted by Jonny Richey

Does anyone else think it's unfair that seat belt lengths vary from seat-to-seat on Cedar Fair coasters?

Not at all. People shouldn't be so fat.

Shouln't they at least be told which seats can accomidate them? It's not exactly fair to have to try different seats ON THE SAME COASTER, to see if you fit. I'm sure your argument would be different if you or someone you know had trouble fitting on coasters....

Perhaps they're getting rid of older longer seatbelts in favor of the newer ones since they don't want to incur even more unplanned expenses because Intamins have a habit of ejecting fatties. It's cheaper than phasing them all out right away.
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