Way to bring back the 3rd grade insults CK. Anyway, yeah, tunnel test fail. It would suck, though, if you misjudged the distance from the train to the support and did what the guy on the mini Himalaya ride did. Since you are ok (physically; however, i am just gonna laugh my ass off at the stupid things people do for attention.
The vast majority of rides fail the tunnel test if you count the catwalks and station lol. On most woodies it is possible to jam your fingers between the train and station platform and even touch the catwalks, not that anyone with any sense of self preservation would try lol.
The vast majority of rides fail the tunnel test if you count the catwalks and station lol. On most woodies it is possible to jam your fingers between the train and station platform and even touch the catwalks, not that anyone with any sense of self preservation would try lol.
I wouldn't dare slap the supports of those things though, have you any idea how big a static shock you receive from those bastards!?
You can actually see the electricity arcing between parts of the track on the one at Alton Towers. I can only assume the thing is safe, but I still wouldn't feel comfortable lol. Actually, because the one at Alton Towers has a station building, there is a point where (if you sit on the left sie of train) you could easily take your entire head off, not just your arm - such is the magnitude of the tunnel test failure.
Kiddie coasters are easily the most dangerous coasters.