Mkingy? jpecool? This a reunion?!
People seem to be so easily offended these days, it's a t-shirt - chill out!
It's a little annoying to think of what people
are offended by these days, especially when you consider what people
aren't offended by (or have to pretend not to be offended by).
I'm hugely offended by the fact that a Muslim woman is forced to wear a burkha by her cult, but not only that; not then forced to take OFF the burkha when entering a shopping complex or other public space, and yet I cannot so much as look at a hooded sweatshirt in the same public place.
I'm hugely offended by the fact that Sikh males are allowed, purely because it says so in their religious scripture, to carry around a dagger (between the sizes of 3 inches and 3 feet) in any public place and into places like the Olympics. Even teenage Sikh males are allowed to "wear" their daggers in school. And yet, if I were to turn up at school with a f*cking 2ft "dagger", I'm pretty sure I'd be arrested faster than you could even
say Double Standards.
I realise this incident wasn't in the UK, but as far as human/civil rights go - for people to offended by some of the things that they are offended by and not be offended by much much worse offences... it's just... the mind boggles.