^What 180 element are you referring to? Haha, the small one or the big one?
I'll take the color scheme comment as a compliment.
Supports go in slowly and edited up slowly - as usual. I'm going to put minor 3Ds in this ride. I have to touch up the ol' scenery magic to prepare for tunneling parts of my GG.
Top of the tallest element, face-down dive with mild hang time.
Miniscule Update w/ rando new shots (08/06)---------
The big graceful soaring turn. The lie-to-fly prior to this turn as well as this turn are the gentlest points of the ride. They occur immediately before the most forceful point as well as the last element, lol.
That one. I'm probably going to take out the trims. It's still fine without them, the human in a lying position can take pretty substantial g's.
There's that if you never figured out the layout, can't remember how thorough my initial teaser one was.