in response: i conected the end because i didn't see a need to work on something that was going to be deleted. the beginning after the hill is so the cars get more air time than on a normal drop, especially the front ones in comparrison to a regular drop. i spent about 10 minutes thinking about what to do with those brakes right before i read this and i decided to just leave them and i will say its a saftey things. i honestly don't know what i was thinking there. i will add more trains later but thanks for reminding me about having more than one train i might have forgotten to make two trains work otherwise. as for not going under to supports, i tried to keep the areas of the track spread out so there would be room for all 4 tracks. in my past attempts at 4 tracks i always ended up running out of room. do not worry, however, the tracks will weave in and out of each other to creat many head choppers. i will try to work on the banking thanks for the tip there.
i really apreaciate your feed back i will try to keep all of those things in mind and change all of them if i can. i only explained why i hadn't fixed the things yet because thats the type of person i am. once more thanks