Hey Everyone,
Here's the first of my designs That I've copied over to NL. Just started to do lay out transfer of ride. This design was done back in the later 79 to 81 time frame in my drafting class. High school that is.
It's cool, but I think you've got a track clash on what I assume is the first drop. It looks like the track that goes under the drop for a length, rather than just crossing it, would clash with the track on and after the drop.
Unless it is that the drop doesn't go all the way to the floor?
Ok I've searched topic for how to take screens in editor mode of the coaster I'm working on nothing comes up. How do you guys get the pictures in editor mode?
Thanks Mark
ok I'm using windows 7 and print screen isn't working. Unless it puts into a folder. does anyone know? I'm still trying to get a screen of the track in NL mode. Finally got it. You half to be on the screen and nothing else or it won't take a picture.
(Literally you press "K" in the simulator and go to Screenshots > Compatibility Files [found in toolbar], then cut/paste back to regular screenshots so you can upload it.)
If it's the Editor shot you want, I typically use Snipping Tool (Program Files > Accessories) and take a full-screen snip.
Image Insert: 1440.16 KB Here's the top view still a work in progress. Had to enlarge design after transfer to NL. What do you guys think? Right now I'm having issues with the first drop and curve. I know I have other issues but I'm working on them one at a time.