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High Voltage - Eurofighter

The Hard Hat Area is the place to post construction news about your ride, so this is the place to hype your future upload!

Post October 5th, 2011, 1:28 pm

Posts: 757
Points on hand: 1,286.00 Points
Location: Kentucky, USA
High Voltage, a Eurofighter with shocking elements taken at an electrifying pace!

I found that Euro's are easy to be original with, and really a lot of fun to design. So I built one. This is inspired by two NL Eurofighters here on the site- LeFLO's "Vult" and krazyt's "SpeedRage". I think the track has turned out very nicely.

Height: 121 feet.
Length: 1908 feet.
Speed: 55 mph.
G Force: 4.7
Inversions: 4
Angle of Descent: 95 Degrees
*95 Degree Drop w/ Headchopper
*Dive Loop
*Pretzel Loop
*Headchopper Turn (with drop)
*Barrel Roll




I may wait until the new site opens to release this.


Vult by LeFLO:
SpeedRage by krazyt:
Last edited by disaster249 on October 5th, 2011, 1:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post October 5th, 2011, 1:39 pm

Posts: 346
Points on hand: 1,464.00 Points
Location: Ath, Belgium, Belgium
Those first inversions actually look pretty cool and well-shaped.. Maybe we could get more pictures? [:)]

That said the layout seems ok to me, The first first looks quite intense yet the curves seem quite loose, but I don't know how it rides; but maybe the second part would be one more element, and that corkscrew looks loose too.

May I test? [:)]

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