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Continuous roll...

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Post October 22nd, 2011, 2:58 pm

Posts: 45
Points on hand: 1,086.00 Points
Location: MI, USA
Hope this is in the appropriate section. Anyway, question - what's "continuous roll" used for? What exactly does it do? Does it smooth the heartline? Does it smooth transitions? Or something else? I never really knew for sure, and am now really wanting to know.

Any answers/explanations are appreciated. Thanks!
Life IS a roller coaster, but the difference is - I don't prefer to plunge "down" in life, although I sure as hell do on roller coasters!

Post October 22nd, 2011, 3:04 pm

Posts: 249
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Location: USA
Let's say you have two segments one after another, the first one's end banking is 45 degrees and the second one's end banking is 90 degrees, so each of the segments have a 45 degree banking transition.

With continuous roll off, the track would transition to 45 degrees, hold briefly at the vertex, and then roll the remaining 45 after you pass the vertex.

With continuous roll on, the track would roll "continuously" straight through the 45 degree-banked vertex so that there isn't a "stutter" in the banking. It's nice and smooth.

Post October 22nd, 2011, 3:07 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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Continues roll makes sure the banking is a little more fluent.

If you would create a barrel roll in 4 sections and you would set the banking on each node to 90, 180, 270 and 0 again. Without continues roll the actual 'rolling' would be segmented. With the Conroll turned on, the rolling will be fluent throughout the element.

However there are limits to this. If you have small segments next to large segments, the conroll might over- or underdo things, creating pumps in the tracks. Also, conroll should not be turned on by nodes that start or end a brake/lift or station segment, as those segments must remain perfectly straight.

Post October 22nd, 2011, 3:09 pm

Posts: 249
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