Anyone got any more info? It's in the entrance to the forbidden valley and is obviously sticking to the Nemesis theme, but could it be a new flat ride, or just a re-theme of the old Dynamo ride that was in this location a few years ago?
While I was at the park, I rode in the monorail with the driver (don't ask
![test [lol]](https://www.coastercrazy.com/forums/images/smilies/icon_e_ugeek.gif)

Basically, I asked him if he had any information about the ride and he said not really, but that he knew it had something to do with going underground, which got me slightly excited... until I asked about SW7, which he told me was going to stretched from the Log Flume area, all the way to where Nemesis and Air are. At which point, I assumed all previous information null and void, as he was obviously a lying toe-rag
![test [lol]](https://www.coastercrazy.com/forums/images/smilies/icon_e_ugeek.gif)
Anyway, tl;dr: Anyone got any decent info on a possible new Nemesis themed flat ride for AT in 2012?