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Cedar Point

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Post July 6th, 2003, 12:41 am

Posts: 4138
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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

I went to CP a few days ago and below is what I think of the coasters:

#1 -- Wicked twister

This was my favorite coaster in the park riding it in the very front seat. It was very intense and very Wicked!!
Rating -- 10/10

#2 -- Millennium Force

SWEET! smooth coaster with tons of airtime and a great layout. That first drop is amazing and you have to ride it to see how great it is!
Rating -- 10/10

#3 -- Raptor

Nice intense ride that was EXTREMELY smooth! pretty high g's on the entrance to the cobra roll, both wingovers, and the helix but the g's are awesome! I loved this ride.
Rating -- 9.5/10

#4 -- Mantis

I don't care that a lot of people don't like this coaster. I sure did! Very smooth except for the top of the corkscrew, fast and twisted, and awesome hangtime on the loop! The harnesses make your legs fall asleep though.
Rating -- 9/10

#5 -- Blue Streak

My favorite woodie. It has TONS of airtime and a great ride!
Rating -- 9/10

#6 -- Mean Streak

A lot of people dislike this coaster. I love it. It has a great layout and very long, also goes under the supports a lot which is great. The only thing bad is this: Trim brakes on first drop SUCK! You pick up seed on the drop then brake. Then you wait while the trims brake you for almost 5 seconds, and the first drop looses is goodness. Even in the back seat the coaster crawls dow the first hill! Also it has little airtime throughout the coaster.
Rating -- 8

# 7 -- Disaster transport

This was a great ride in the dark! tons of unexpected turns and drops, just needs to be much longer.
Rating -- 8/10

#8 -- Iron Dragon

This infact was a smooth coaster and pretty fun! Thats why I liked it because arrow usually can never make a smooth coaster like that.
Rating -- 8/10

#9 -- Gemini

I loved this coaster but was too rough at the bottom of the hills. On the turns everyone kept on touching other peoples hands!
Rating -- 7.5/10

#10 -- Wildcat

This was very intense for it's size. It was very smooth and fun.
Rating -- 7/10

#11 -- Woodstock Express

The best vekoma coaster out there! just lacked thrills.
Rating -- 6.5/10

#12 -- Cedar Creek Mine Ride

I didn't enjoy this coaster that much. Just wasnt fun enough and too slow. Nothing more I can really say about this ride.
Rating -- 5.5/10

#13 -- Corkscrew

Too rough and the airtime hurts! layout s*cks too!
Rating -- 4/10

#14 -- Magnum XL-200

I personally h8ed this coaster in pa**ion. It was so rough I wanted to die when I was on it. Was made very poorly, and the turnaround was too slow because the long set of trims banking into it. (BTW, Arrow doesn't know how to properly bank their coasters)
Rating -- 1/10

#15 -- Top Thrill dragster

N/A (wasn't open)

#16 -- Jr. Gemeni

N/A (didn't ride it)

Other rides -- Power Tower

Great! The red ones launch rules! Just after the launch the ride doesn't get too thrilling anymore
Rating -- 8.5/10

Post July 6th, 2003, 12:50 am
Kev True Addicts
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Great trip report. I've never been to Cedar Point before, but some of the rides sound really cool. Thanks for the descriptions.

Post July 6th, 2003, 1:09 am

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ok, now i've never been to Cedar Point and i woln't pretend to know what all the coasters there are like. But i really feel that giving Magnum XL-200 a 1/10 is just stuped. There is no justification for such a rating. You also say that arrow doesn't know how to bank their coasters, well i'm sorry that you just don't like the lat. g's, but arrow uses them in very good ways on all of their coasters.

You have rated two classic arrow coasters lower than any others at the park. How dare you say that corkscrew's layout sucks. Ron Toomer is the desiner of Magnum XL-200, Iron Dragon, Viper, and many, many other very well-known coaster, and you says that his layout sucks? I have seen many of your layouts and corkscrew's is far better than them.

Now odviously you have grown up on solf, and perfectly smoother coasters because you complained about each one you thought was abit bumpy. This is a horrible review!!!

Post July 6th, 2003, 1:11 am
Oscar User avatar
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But i really feel that giving Magnum XL-200 a 1/10 is just stuped.

Giving an opinion of something that you have never been on is more stupid than someone giving an opinion that has been on it and knows what he likes or dislikes.
That's just my opinion, with experience [:D]

Post July 6th, 2003, 1:25 am

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Originally posted by whitewolf2759

ok, now i've never been to Cedar Point and i woln't pretend to know what all the coasters there are like. But i really feel that giving Magnum XL-200 a 1/10 is just stuped. There is no justification for such a rating. You also say that arrow doesn't know how to bank their coasters, well i'm sorry that you just don't like the lat. g's, but arrow uses them in very good ways on all of their coasters.

You have rated two classic arrow coasters lower than any others at the park. How dare you say that corkscrew's layout sucks. Ron Toomer is the desiner of Magnum XL-200, Iron Dragon, Viper, and many, many other very well-known coaster, and you says that his layout sucks? I have seen many of your layouts and corkscrew's is far better than them.

Now odviously you have grown up on solf, and perfectly smoother coasters because you complained about each one you thought was abit bumpy. This is a horrible review!!!

I don't like Arrow coasters at all and if you see some of the stuff they do if you made in NL you would get rated against it! for example, banking in a straight line, and straight hills. And corkscrew's layout is a drop out if station, turn, lift, straight drop, mishappen hill, nice loop(only good part), straight track which is boring, and two corkscrews. Thats good? Well, if thats your opinion I see no reason that you are saying its everyones opinion. And IMO Magnum is horrible. If you like the coaster, then Fine! but i've ridden it, and the hills are straight and the bunny hills almost injured me! So if you don't like my ratings then you shouldn't state things that aren't everyone's opinion and saying theyre bad.

Post July 6th, 2003, 1:28 am
Kev True Addicts
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I'm hardly an Arrow fan myself, but I will stick up for them a little here. Don't forget that most of their coasters were designed and built way before some of the more sophisticated computers and software were around. Because of this, it's not too surprising that they didn't do everything right.

Of course, this has nothing to do with your opinions, which I totally respect. [:)]

Post July 6th, 2003, 1:42 am

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well if everyone shares an opinion then it's not really an opinion. An opininon is something that an individual has to make. What is wrong with a "simple" coaster? NOTHING!!!!! I'm sorry that it's just not good enough for the all-mighty intaminfan, but coasters aren't just about the thrill. They are about letting go. A true coaster fan could have as much fun on a kiddy ride as the biggest coaster around.

If strate track is boring then why are drag races so exciting? Strate track alows you to feel calm for a second or two, to look around abit. I would rather (this is an opininon) have a drop, strate track, then a loop, then just going from the frop into the loop.

Post July 6th, 2003, 2:31 am
Oscar User avatar
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They are about letting go. A true coaster fan could have as much fun on a kiddy ride as the biggest coaster around.

lol @ you
I for sure wouldn't have fun on a kiddie ride, then again I am an adfrenaline junkie so I go to the big coasters, you can stick around in kiddie land [;)]

Post July 6th, 2003, 10:56 am

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Post July 6th, 2003, 11:46 am

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lol, but whitewolf, If I made a track in NL that had straight sections (for example between hills) I would be sure get marked off for it. Sure, yes I understand how long ago they were made, but it doesn't mean I'm gonna like them still. usually I don't mind straight track, but sometimes I just really hate it, for example straight drops straight hills (bunny hills on Magnum, which since are straight I banged my head on the seat before me pretty much a good number of times). It doesn't matter to me if you like them or not, because I know almost everyone doesn't dislike Arrow nearly as much as me.

Now odviously you have grown up on solf, and perfectly smoother coasters because you complained about each one you thought was abit bumpy. This is a horrible review!!!

Actually, Gemini was a bit rough and I mentioned it, I didn't rate it that bad IMO but I was just mentioning parts of the ride that could be better, but overall I liked the ride. So just to let you know I wasn't really complaining about it.

Post July 6th, 2003, 12:05 pm

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Originally posted by IntaminFan397

#14 -- Magnum XL-200

I personally h8ed this coaster in pa**ion. It was so rough I wanted to die when I was on it. Was made very poorly.

I'm sure that is was so rough that you wanted to die on it. This review of Mangum is pure crap.

I've goten bruses from some coasters, but i still really enjoyed them. When your getting thrown around, it's more exiting, you can feel less secure.

why do you keep reffering to "If i made it in NL" we're talking about real life here not some computer game.

I personally love arrow coasters. As I said before, at least to me, the thrill of a ride is not 100% of the reson for riding it. When your riding an older arrow coaster your riding a piece of history. What's the point of having an old coaster just sit there. Roller coasters are ment to be ridden on, that's why you don't see many old, and unused coasters.

Post July 6th, 2003, 12:07 pm

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oh ya, and it wasn't made poorly. If it was made poorly then it woudn't still be standing at all. It's just getting older.

Post July 6th, 2003, 12:22 pm
Oscar User avatar
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if you don't like someone's review, don't reply, everyone is entitled to their opinion, don't go trying to change it because you'll end u[p having that person enforce their opinion. case closed.

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