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New 2012 Coasters

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New 2012 Coasters

Leviathan @ Canada's Wonderland
Skyrush @ Hersheypark
X-Flight @ Six Flags Great America
Goliath @ Six Flags New England
Superman: Ultimate Flight @ Six Flags DIscovery Kingdom
Apocalypse @ Six Flags America
No votes
Stinger @ Dorney Park
Verbolten @ Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Wild Eagle @ Dollywood
Black Diamond/Flying Turns @ Knoebel's
Total votes : 74

Post September 1st, 2011, 9:47 pm

Posts: 1536
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Which of the new coasters for 2012 are you most excited for?
Last edited by Tetsu on November 12th, 2011, 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post September 1st, 2011, 10:18 pm

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What about the invert at Park Asterix? Because I would vote for that.
and the GCI at Europa park?
and Swarm at Thorpe Park?

or are we just focusing on North America?
1.Boulder Dash | 2.Legend(HW) | 3.Beast | 4.Ravine Flyer II | 5.Intimdator 305 | 6.Phoenix | 7.Twisted Timbers | 8.Wicked Cyclone | 9.Thunderhead | 10.Storm Chaser

Post September 1st, 2011, 10:19 pm
RideWarriorNation User avatar
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w00t for maurer sohne! I think that coaster is a nice touch lol, but its superman themed?!?!?!?

Post September 1st, 2011, 10:27 pm

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Yea just North America for now...but we can make an over seas poll as well.

Post September 1st, 2011, 10:30 pm

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Dollywood Wing-Rider because that's the only one that I would be riding next year. lol

Post September 1st, 2011, 10:34 pm

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Post October 11th, 2011, 4:10 pm

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Post October 11th, 2011, 4:16 pm

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Leviathan has had me hooked ever since it was announced.
Originally posted by AJClarke0912

"Newtony-piece-a-poop upward spiraling barrel roll"

But none of that really hits here so it's okay.

Post October 11th, 2011, 4:28 pm
RideWarriorNation User avatar
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Originally posted by Kyle Sloane

^^^You mean Premier rides?
Its being built by premier rides?
/hopes for this ride dies.

Post October 11th, 2011, 4:29 pm

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Without knowing all the exact details, I think Skyrush will likely be the most exciting of those. However as a tall guy I'm also not looking forward to the restraints, assuming they're the same as the new ones on Intimidator 305.

Post October 11th, 2011, 4:30 pm

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I think I have a good chance of getting on X-Flight this coming summer, so I'm going with that.

Post October 11th, 2011, 4:46 pm

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Post October 11th, 2011, 4:50 pm

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Dorney is my home park, Hershey is a hour away, and Knoebel's about an hour and 45 mins, so all of those (assuming FT and BD open) I should get on. I hope to at least get on 2 of the others this season, Leviathan being likely when I go up to school next fall, and I am planning probably two big trips. One to CA and one to either the southeast or midwest, so Verbolten, Apocalypse, and Superman are probably the other 3 likely ones. Also might do New England for a long weekend for Goliath and Gotham City Gauntlet. Of all of those, I have to put Skyrush and Leviathan up there, but I am probably most intrigued by Verbolten just because it is a manufacturer with little experience with big name parks and this ride needs to be a hit because of the icon it is replacing in BBW. If Verbolten flops everyone is going to be up in arms about taking out BBW. Skyrush and Leviathan aren't really replacing they are already winners to some extent, and they both mark significant breakthroughs with their makers. If Verbolten isn't what people expect it to be, Zierer won't get a call for another major build and BGE will have a tough time selling it was worth taking out BBW to die-hards.

That all being said, I see no reason why Verbolten won't be awesome. The Autobahn theme is a tad confusing, but I like how it's kind of twisted around to make it work in the forest. Should be interesting to see what comes of it.

Post October 11th, 2011, 4:52 pm

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Its funny that flying turns is on that list. what are the chances of it actually open? I was there in 7th grade when the started building it, that was 5 and a half years ago
What are these for?

Post October 11th, 2011, 5:00 pm

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^Apparently they have figured everything out but are just waiting on new trains that are better designed for the track style. I'm not sure if they are lighter so that they go slower or what, but supposedly once they get the right trains it'll be ready to go. I also heard this a while ago, so does anyone know if this is still the issue?

Post November 12th, 2011, 3:57 pm

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I honestly couldent decide between Levithan And Skyrush. Im ridng both next year (most likely levithan first) so it wasnt easy choosing

Post November 12th, 2011, 5:57 pm

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Flying Turns at Knoebel's has been 'coming out' for like the past 5 years...

Also this year looks like it's gonna be amazing. I think Leviathan and Skyrush look to be of the best stuff, but the two Wing-riders are also very cool.

Post November 12th, 2011, 8:42 pm

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Sky Rush, Wild Eagle, Verbolten, then Manta at SWSD.

Post November 12th, 2011, 8:57 pm

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Sky Rush. Can't wait to ride it opening day :D

Intamin wins.

Post November 13th, 2011, 12:17 am

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Location: Lehigh Valley, PA, USA
I'll definitely be getting on Goliath (and Gauntlet), Apocalypse, Stinger, and Skyrush, but I'm hoping to get on Leviathan as well as X-Flight (if I go visit my brother in Chicago). Despite all this, I think Wild Eagle is the most exciting - it looks fantastic and I hope the ride experience reflects its aesthetic appearance. :)

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