the good part, it was free!! because i'm a vet, and i get one guest free as well. and it wasnt crowded at all.
the bad IT STARTED RAINING LIKE CRAZY, just when there'd been a break in the rain long enough to crank up xcellerator
the ugly HORRID MUSIC BEING PLAYED THROUGH SPEAKERS THROUGH ouT THE PARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i swear to god .. it's supposed to be an old wes ghost town, i highly doubt that ol' joe the miner went back to his shack after a hard day at work in the mine with a bowl from panda express and cranked up b52's "love shack " serious tacky poop here .
anyhow here's the more detailed report, when we got to the park it didnt seem like it was raining much , it was "drizzling" a little, off and on, but it got worse,
Ghostrider, the thing about the mcbr being cranked up .. thats true, but to be fully fair , in the back .. it isnt as much of a bummer as i thought it'd be .. overal ghostrider was in pretty good form especially considering what i was expecting, it didnt seem as rough as it had been a couple years back. and suprisingly the second half of the ride wasnt killed as much as one might think. one plus here is that since it was raining all day i got my two rides during breaks in the rain ..
windseeker is a pretty neat idea..
it's HUGE, and the seats do move outward from centrifugal force so it actually is moving kind of fast. heres the thing about it being at knott's. the veiw is terrible. i mean , it's nice to get an aerial view of the coasters, but surrounding area , and the area directly below is just not appealing to the eye,neat ride though, the spinning swing on the huge tower is freaky.
we rode the pony express because alot of the other rides were getting closed by rain, cool little ride.
now, to me the most important rides in this park are calico mine train and the log ride , and we rode those next,
the mine train is looking a little shabby on the outside, a few of the waterfalls were turned off, and it kind of ruined the effect, the ride seemed to be pretty well maintained, and on a day like today , i think they were doing lots of things to save money, because the log ride was running well, but ponds had been drained and they had that god awful christmas theme with the elves going on in there , still, glad to see that they are still there and working pretty well.
xcellerator never opened. we were talking to the maintenance guy and he was replacing sensors on the track between the holding area for the train before it goes into the station , he said he would have it open after 2 test runs..after the first , the next didnt happen and it started to "sort of " rain again, i think around this time we made it over to silver bullet during a break in the rain ,
silver bullet was running very well,over all fun ride.
it started raining like CRAZY when decided we would ride "supreme scream" literally, the moment they strapped us in it started POURING !, it kept up the rest of the day , while oscar and i kind of tried to find ways to keep out of the rain,
we probabally split there about 445 pm, but before we did we stopped at the information center and wrote letters of complaint about the horrid music coming out of the speakers everywhere we went . it took me nearly 2 hours to get home because the storm was headed south
it was a very wet day, but we had fun .. and there's photos to prove it .