Originally posted by GerstlCrazy
Newton can do anything- with anything- with any size.
I've got to disagree with you. As much as I love Newton, there are some limitations, but they're mostly small and very insignificant. I mean, by the very nature of the program, there are transition shapes that you simply can't achieve in Newton. Sure, there are ways around it to make it "feel" right, but the fact remains that you can't make certain shapes. This is one thing that FVD/elementary has over Newton: the ability to enter custom transition functions, which is certainly something I would love to see in Newton, and something I could see instantly becoming a big hit among the more experienced users. I've actually tried to make a few of my own transition functions in FVD, and they came out pretty ok. The big one I made was a multi-wave sin curve to allow me to switch banking back and forth on one time zone without that awkward transition pause in the middle (which, by the way, is the biggest gripe I have about Newton: you either deal with the quick, "robotic" pause or you have sharp entrances to your transitions, and neither of them make for a very good track unfortunately). Ok, I'm done. Sorry for wasting your time [:)]