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Six Flags Season Passes

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Post December 14th, 2011, 12:38 pm

Posts: 1536
Points on hand: 2,597.00 Points
So believe it or not, I have never actually bought a SF season pass, as I usually went with the Platinum Pass for CF. However, as I plan out trips for the summer, I will definitely be going to GAdv and SFA, and I'm also lining up my Cali trip for SFMM and SFDK. That being said, it would obviously be advantageous to buy SF Passes. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but online you can buy season passes, and if you buy them through GAdv link (since that's closest to me), a pass in $79.99 or something. However if I go through SFA link, they are only $49.99. Both allow access to other SF parks, so my question is this:

Is there any hidden difference between the passes, or is it really THAT simple to save $30 just buy clicking a different park?

Post December 14th, 2011, 1:16 pm

Posts: 2077
Points on hand: 4,765.00 Points
Location: Canton, Massachusetts, USA

You have to activate them at the park from which you buy them. I almost made the mistake of buying from SFKK cause they were like $35 (where SFNE's day admission was almost $50 at the time), but the fine print says you have to do the picture and whatnot at the park you buy them for.

Post December 14th, 2011, 1:25 pm

Posts: 1536
Points on hand: 2,597.00 Points
So in other words, If I were to head to SFA in late May when I first get home from school, then I could get it there. The issue with that is I don't know which park I'll be going to first, so it may be best to wait and just get it right at that park that day then?

Post December 14th, 2011, 2:27 pm

Posts: 3153
Points on hand: 2,842.21 Points
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I doubt the SFA ones will get much more expensive. They might go up to $60 like they were last year ($10 more than the previous several years), but that's probably it.

Also consider that, assuming no policies change, you can renew your pass next year and go to whatever park you want first. You'll have to go to SFA to get the booklet, but that's all. So if you pay $50 this year and get to SFA first, you'll only have to pay $50 (or whatever the price may be) next year, and you can go to any Six Flags park first. That's what we've been doing for years now. Just make sure you leave your pass in a place you'll remember next year, because it won't work if you don't have your season pass number.

Post December 14th, 2011, 3:02 pm

Posts: 1536
Points on hand: 2,597.00 Points

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