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Help me if you are from china

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Post January 11th, 2012, 11:53 pm

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I'm doing a research/drawing project for architecture. The building I have to research is called father's house, by Ginyun Ma(MADA S.P.A.M.) I'm having some problems however. The main problem is that I need a sattelite image of the house and I don't have an address, nor can I decipher its location through the direction its pointing, plus google maps over china sucks. All I know is that it is located in lantian, if you're frm china and know of the address or any info at all please help me.
What are these for?

Post January 12th, 2012, 6:16 pm
TheArchitect User avatar
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tried really hard to find stuff, like you say you can narrow it to Lantian and then just look around for something that looks like it. Got this if it's any use: ... -QbP4dDyAg

Post January 12th, 2012, 6:35 pm

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It didn't get me the geological site, but again I'm looking for a tiny building with crappy images. However I did find the drawings I was looking for, so thank you. How to google with chinese characters?
What are these for?

Post January 12th, 2012, 7:11 pm

Posts: 279
Points on hand: 1,369.00 Points
on control panel you can change language keyboards, or you can go to google translate and allow phonetic typing. then you write the Pinyin for the city (which in english is usually the name of it already) and then look for a word combination that looks like the chinese name.

say if i wanted to find lantian then i would go to google and type "lantian" then look for ???????????????????????????, then i would get the results

then you just copy-paste into google or baidu (since baidu is china's search engine and you might get more)

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