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NL Oddity causing frustration

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Post July 13th, 2003, 4:11 pm
Oscar User avatar
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I have small tiny trim at the end there highlight as you see. Not timinig purposes but to let the train roll into the station. OK now my problem is both have the exact same settings. However one of them actually causes the train to slwo down while the other one does not even touch it. They're separate tracks, which I was reworking because I found out something about NL that I never though about and would make my design wilder and better with ti so decided to remodel. Anyway with that said, I started up and started adding the blocks, got to that one and now it slows down the train and on the next hill before it used to make it over fine around a speed of min of 23 mph, not it goes to it and I even lowered the elvation of it to see what was up, and it peaks at 16 mph, reducing all the airtime I had in it. Has anyone experience this problem where you have the exact same settings in a track but behave differently no matter what? Have you ever fixed? If so how? I want to know becauseif it continues the way it, I am screwed literally [lol] Any help on this subject matter is well appreciated. Thank you!
WWS Insert

Post July 13th, 2003, 4:29 pm
Oscar User avatar
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scratch that, fixed [pshades]
problem was on the LIM I forgot to reduce decelration down :| so it never did reach the posted speed on it but somehow the deceleration g's on the LIM had something to do with it :| Weird eh?

Post July 13th, 2003, 4:40 pm
Kev True Addicts
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Post July 13th, 2003, 4:41 pm
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