Hello all and welcome to the 2012 NoLimits Tournament.
I want to finish this tournament before the world ends, so I will
get right on it.
Everybody who has an account on this site can join. And if you don't have
an account, you can also join as soon as you get an account

How do you join, simply by sending in a track that complies with all the
rules before the deadline.
Depending on the amount of entries, the top # of players will advance and
there will be 2 or 3 rounds where player compete against each other in pairs.
The winners are then again paired up and compete again until there are
4 players left in the finale.
The first round will take 4 weeks,
the match-up rounds will take 3 weeks each
and the finale will once again be 4 weeks.
After each round, Coasterkidmwm and guitarplayer673 will rate the valid
tracks (which will be randomized). At the end
the scores dedice which tracks won, and then the corresponding
builders will be annouced.
Enough talk about the tournament itself, it'll become
more and more clear as the tournament continues.
We start at the beginning and the beginning of this tournament
starts with round 1:
The assigment:
A park located near a popular beach destination in Canada
wants a big and fast coaster to tower over it's skyline.
Since B&M is busy with their other project, they can only deliver
the trains and track, but the design has to come from you!
The park wants you to create an iconic coaster that is fast
and exciting, and some unique elements or layout are preffered
to set the ride apart from other designs.
The park management has provided you with a 'U'-shaped area for
you to use. However, there are 4 power lines in the area you need
to watch out for.
Additionally, the park will let you build over an existing coaster
to emphasize the new coaster's size.
The park has set some limits on speed and length, but the rest is up
to you.
Coaster Rules:
Imperial numbers are for quick reference only, tracks
will be checked using the metric values.
Top speed between 140 and 155 kph (87 and 96 mph)
Maximum length 2000 m (6560 ft)
Train type must be B&M hyper
Must run 3 trains with 7-9 cars
Maximum speed on lift, brake, transport and
station sections is 20 kph (12 mph)
Template Rules:
Track and supports must be entirely inside the
red inverted 'U' shape and blue rectangle.
So not track and supports in the grey areas.
The station must be inside the red rectangle with the X
(will be checked in editor).
In the blue area that represents the other coaster:
No track below 40 m (132 feet)
Supports below 40 m must be outside of pink lines that represent
track envelope
The blue diagonal lines are power lines, track and supports cannot
go over them.
Terraforming is allowed
Removing and (re)placing trees is allowed
Scenery that mimics the track and its supports, must follow all rules stated for the 'real' track and supports. Examples:
-Enlarged backbones
-Storage/transfer tracks
Scenery that has nothing to do with the track and supports itself can go anywhere in the template, but must follow the 'blue-area' and 'powerline' rules as if they were supports. Examples:
-Station buildings
-Other park buildings
If you want to, you may create a ride that fits into the purple area.
Image Insert:

52.14 KB
The template can be found in the exchange:
Finished tracks must be sent to:
March 28th 11:59 PM (site time)
Tracks will scored on Technical, Adrenaline and Originality
Please note:
Most of this was written by me, so there might be some mistakes or things that just don't make
sense. If you have a question or comment, feel free to post it here.
Q: Can we build in the traingle-ish area next to the top-right corner of the blue area?
A: You cannot. I have updated the template image to make it more clear.
Q: Can we use Newton?
A: Yes, in fact, every other tool known can be used. As well as tool that are unknown.
Q: Can I use tunnels, and can I raise the whole template 10m to use tunnels?
A: You can use tunnels, but you cannot raise terrain on the entire template. If you want to create tunnels or trenches, you can only change the terrain locally.
Q: Does the 20kph speed limit on special sections mean you cannot even enter them with a speed higher than that (eg. mcbr or final brake run), or just that any transport wheels/lims cannot make the train go faster than that?
A: The train can have any speed going through a segment, but the actual setting for the transport speed in the dialog box must be under 20 kph.
Q: Will the track be tunnel tested against the supports that are "power lines", or do they just represent the height above which we are not allowed to build?
A: This is a bit of a grey area. The tunnel test is not 100% solid, as some areas of the tunnel cannot be touched by riders. To make sure everything is fair I will split up the rule:
1. Track and supports must go under the power lines, as in the actual lines themselves.
2. If a piece of power line sticks through the middle of the tunnel during the tunnel test, you will fail
the tunnel test and lose technical points, but you will not be disqualified.
Q: And with the top speed being 140-155kph does that mean it has to reach a top speed in that range?
A: Yes. At some point the speed of the train should be 140 kph or higher, but it must never go faster than 155 kph.
Q: In regards to submitting, I remember in previous years the tracks were given to judges anonymously and therefore tracks were not allowed to be posted on the exchange until the judges completed rating the tracks. Does this remain in effect or are we free to post once the deadline passes?
A: For the moment it is not allowed to share (anything related to) your track before the judges are finished scored.