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The Swarm - Thorpe Park

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Post January 25th, 2012, 7:50 am

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the UK papers think the story is real i was just reading one this morning

Post January 25th, 2012, 9:35 am
gouldy User avatar
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Post January 25th, 2012, 11:09 am

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Yeah I think it's more of a lighthearted idea than serious advertising. Just be glad they aren't taking the #1 ride in the world and adding Bizarro theming and less comfortable trains/restraints.

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lol how much do those of you from England hate me for even saying that :P

Post January 25th, 2012, 12:43 pm

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Newer Trailer of Swarm, MY RECREATION INCLUDED!!!


Post January 25th, 2012, 3:23 pm

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Originally posted by gouldy

What paper was that? The Sun? [lol]

yes, how did you know!

Post January 25th, 2012, 4:21 pm

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hzgarfield! Holy crap! That's so bad-ass! I can't believe they credited you as well!
Oh, were you expecting something here?

Post January 25th, 2012, 4:49 pm
mkingy User avatar

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I think you give the population of the UK too much credit gouldy haha. I reckon there's people at my uni who would believe it xD
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Post January 25th, 2012, 5:12 pm

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Originally posted by hzgarfield

Newer Trailer of Swarm, MY RECREATION INCLUDED!!!

Excellent work, well done - is there any chance you could upload your track here for us all to enjoy?

Post January 25th, 2012, 7:55 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Originally posted by dcs221

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I think that even Merlin would veto this particular idea [lol]

Post January 26th, 2012, 2:25 am

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Originally posted by dragon2000

Originally posted by hzgarfield

Newer Trailer of Swarm, MY RECREATION INCLUDED!!!

Excellent work, well done - is there any chance you could upload your track here for us all to enjoy?

Actually~the 3ds and scenes are pretty awful??????????????????Some objects are inside-Out

Post January 26th, 2012, 2:56 am

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Anyone that is 'disappointed' by the "slow pacing"... just think twice. Did you really think such a bulky train was going to move quickly?

If you're on the outer seats on either side- especially the left side during that AWESOME inclined loop- this ride is going to end up being much more forceful than you think just by the speed of the train.

The nature of this kind of ride is just totally different. I love it. Really gives me hope that we may be closer to the beginning of roller coaster innovation than to the end of it...

Post January 26th, 2012, 2:38 pm

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there rubbish advertising is working, on BRMB this morning on the way to work they reported that a rolled coaster near london had to be demolished and rebuilt after test dummies were damaged during testing

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Post January 26th, 2012, 4:05 pm
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Saw my mum today and she was like "omg Rob have you heard the news about that Thorpe park ride thing!!"
I was straight away... "It's bullshit media PR stunt" and proceeded to correct her and educate her. Amazing what people will believe, it's on Sky news now too, that's where she saw it, there for it must be true! [eye roll].

Post January 26th, 2012, 4:13 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Watching Sky News is like reading The Sun. (Or watching Fox News, for the American readers in the thread). If anyone starts with "I saw in The Sun..." or "I saw on Sky News..." I just stop listening there [lol]

Post January 26th, 2012, 5:07 pm

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Dear god. If anything, it's making people more stupid/ignorant than they already are about coasters to further annoy us enthusiasts. Blarg.

lol Gouldy Fox News is like "Okay, let's have Mr. Democrat (or someone that isn't our view on here), and we'll defend our view so you can see we are superior". So then you're like okay, let's see how you do.

Mr. McNonrepublican comes rolling in, greetings, etc. Then Fox asks "What is your thought on ___?". Mr. McNonrepublican says "Well, to me it's a rather daft idea because...".

And then that's all you get to hear before O'Reilly cuts in and "disproves" what Mr. McNonrepublican said and wins the debate like a true hero. Astonishingly, Mr. McNonrepublican didn't actually say anything. What a paradox!

/Fox News in a nutshell.

Post January 26th, 2012, 6:30 pm

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I think the only nutshell comment you need to make about Fox News is that ''It's Fox News.'' [lol]

Post January 26th, 2012, 7:49 pm

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Originally posted by gazag

there rubbish advertising is working, on BRMB this morning on the way to work they reported that a rolled coaster near london had to be demolished and rebuilt after test dummies were damaged during testing

They failed tunnel test

Post January 27th, 2012, 2:15 am

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Post January 27th, 2012, 3:11 am
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Originally posted by AJClarke0912

Dear god. If anything, it's making people more stupid/ignorant than they already are about coasters to further annoy us enthusiasts. Blarg.

lol Gouldy Fox News is like "Okay, let's have Mr. Democrat (or someone that isn't our view on here), and we'll defend our view so you can see we are superior". So then you're like okay, let's see how you do.

Mr. McNonrepublican comes rolling in, greetings, etc. Then Fox asks "What is your thought on ___?". Mr. McNonrepublican says "Well, to me it's a rather daft idea because...".

And then that's all you get to hear before O'Reilly cuts in and "disproves" what Mr. McNonrepublican said and wins the debate like a true hero. Astonishingly, Mr. McNonrepublican didn't actually say anything. What a paradox!

/Fox News in a nutshell.

[lol] yeah. I've seen enough of stuff like this on Youtube. Only for me it's been more like "Here is Atheist A, and here is Catholic A, Catholic B, Jew A, Muslim A, HORRENDOUSLY STUPID Christian presenter A, HORRENDOUSLY STUPID Christian presenter B, now let's have a fair debate". 'Debate' then instantly turns into all of the theists Vs the 1 Atheist, because as we all know, believing in any bullshit at all is much better than believing in no bullshit.

Post January 27th, 2012, 9:58 am
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Originally posted by GerstlCrazy

^... really?

There is a language barrier. You know what he meant, don't be condescending.
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Post March 1st, 2012, 1:22 pm

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Onride Video online!


Post March 1st, 2012, 3:56 pm
mkingy User avatar

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I refuse to watch that POV seeing as I'm riding it in like 14 days... :D
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Post March 1st, 2012, 3:57 pm
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Originally posted by mkingy

I refuse to watch that POV seeing as I'm riding it in like 14 days... :D

oh yeah, shi-
I forgot about that and have popped my Swarm cherry [:I]

Post March 17th, 2012, 6:09 am

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Post March 17th, 2012, 6:09 am

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