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Wierd Things

Here, anything goes. Talk about anything that you would like to talk about!

Post May 21st, 2003, 9:58 pm

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What are the wierdest things about you?

I'm wierd because I laugh at almost anything, and I look like a dork in front of everyone, but i can't help it, heres two times that i couldn't stop laughing:

1.) Once me friend pointed to a TV in me school, and he said "I have that same TV...In orange!" and I started craking up for about the whole class, and it was embarrasing.

2.) This is the same subject class as i was in up above, I was sitting next to someone in science, cause we were doing this plant experiment, and she spilled the plant all over the table and the dirt got everywhere, I almost died laughing, the whole room was silent but me, and she started laughing too, so we were the only two ppl in the room laughing, while this teacher was giving this speech and it was sooooo funny. Me and her were the only ones dying of laughter in the whole room, so finally i got control over myself, she cleaned up the mess, and spilled it again!! This time I practically fell from my desk, and everyone thought I was so stupid for laughing at it, but i gotta say that was a pretty funny moment.

Post May 21st, 2003, 10:01 pm
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I'm the quiet type opf person, that's weird cuz everyone here would think I'd be the class clown or somethin cuz of the way I act here. Weird eh?
Uhmm what else, I dunno, uhmm, stuff.

Post May 21st, 2003, 10:06 pm

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wierd things about me include:
i purposely act strange around people i don't know just to freak them out. i don't even have to think about doing it anymore, i just will start walking next to people and staring at them, or i will go up to someone i don't know and shout in their ear. i also always where big aviater sunglasses and a hood, which makes me look suspicious. read my post about disney world for and interesting story having to do with that.

i have an terrible habbit of cracking my joints. i counted once and i figured out i crack 55+ different joints.

Post May 21st, 2003, 10:12 pm

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Originally posted by the foo

I'm the quiet type opf person, that's weird cuz everyone here would think I'd be the class clown or somethin cuz of the way I act here. Weird eh?

i am the class clown[:o)] in my grade. i was voted "most humorous.[:D]" it kind sucks though[confused], i always feel obligated to do something funny (mainly because everyone stares at me when the oppotuneity arrises) and then i do it and get in trouble[xx(][flush]. not to mention having a "funny" personality also means i talk alot which i am sure you noticed already...
strecthed out the page

Post May 21st, 2003, 10:18 pm

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I'm quiet, im so quiet, that at my lunch table my friends make me say two sentences, It's the least I can say or they keep reminding me to say another sentence. It gets annoying after a while, but I just say 2 sentences then to shut em up.[:D]

Post May 21st, 2003, 11:56 pm

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sometimes when i am by myself or with some friends i'll think of something funny or stupid. (sometimes of what my cat did over a week ago) and i'll start laughing friends or cousin are like "Dude what is so funny?" I'll tell them between laughing and they call me nuts.

Post May 22nd, 2003, 12:03 am

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True that! Ok, a friend and I stayed up till 4:00 am playing w/ Flash. I got bored and weird and made some strange animation of some dude shaking and saying 'floppy jalopyness'. You'd have to be stupid to laugh at it or really tired or drunk off your a**!

Post May 22nd, 2003, 9:00 am

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i'd probably laugh at it even if i didn't think it was funny, and i wouldn't be abale to control myself

Post May 24th, 2003, 2:12 am

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My dad said weird stuff in his sleep, during a heavy snore. In mid-snore, he said "Borf". Now, all of us say it around him to give him a bad time or use it inplace of barfing.

Post May 24th, 2003, 4:03 am

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Post May 28th, 2003, 12:09 am

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Post May 28th, 2003, 8:49 pm

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lol.....floppy jalopy came from a microwaved corndog when my friend jiggled it.

My friends crack up at ICP's violent jay's dance boogie marathon.

Me and a few buddies made a song from Mario Brothers about .... you know, it involves X Lax. That was when I was in the 6th grade. THe song was sung in the tune of the underworld levels.

Post May 29th, 2003, 9:17 am

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Location: Tarsonis, planet Aiur
Once a while back my cousin and i had a contest. it was to go Eeeeeeeeeee as long and as loud as you could. we called it the inner soul. sometimes if i am really bored i'll just do it for fun.

Post May 29th, 2003, 8:28 pm

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Post May 29th, 2003, 8:41 pm

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Post May 29th, 2003, 8:51 pm

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Post May 29th, 2003, 9:12 pm

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Post May 29th, 2003, 9:33 pm

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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

Mini-me doesn't make any type of sound from what I recall.

Post May 30th, 2003, 9:06 pm

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Location: Tarsonis, planet Aiur
in answer to gummie...yes. and mini me actually does... in austin powers the spy who shagged me movie mini me goes eeeeee when he is accidently set off in space when dr. evil's ship finally catches up with him.

Post May 30th, 2003, 9:11 pm

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Ok, enough E's...My cousin screamed into an office building and took off in the 4th grade! Also, I will say weird stuff on rides due to hype, such as the infamous 'floppy jalopy' and stuff like that.

Post May 31st, 2003, 1:00 am

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Location: Tarsonis, planet Aiur
Once my friend Tom and Angela decided to corner me @ work...somehow they got me onto the ground and then dragged my by my feet past my bosses office. My boss looked @ us as if we were all nuts and then told them to drag me out to the sales floor.

Post May 31st, 2003, 3:47 am

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Post July 17th, 2003, 7:52 pm

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Location: Tarsonis, planet Aiur

Post July 17th, 2003, 8:18 pm

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hmmm, let see, i got plenty of friends, and i am cool with everyone, most of the time, its when a person doesnt like me when i dont like them (esp this kid that i wish death upon), but the one thing, somtimes i cant control is that i talk to much. Esp when meeting new people, to kinda of break the ice. (but the ice has broken, melted and the water has evaporated). Usualy you just have to tell me that i am talking to much and i will shut up............... eventually.......... lol[;)]

Post July 17th, 2003, 8:26 pm

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Location: Atlanta, Georgia, GA, USA

Originally posted by goliath100

from me then:
- i'm ugly[:(]
- i've got an glasses[:(]
- i'm talking in myself[:(]
- i'm fat[:(]
- i have the weirdest friends (the normal people wouldn't wan't me[:(]
- i walk on the speed of running[:(]
or do you wan't more???

Man, dont talk about yourself like that, have some confidence!. Not gonna reply to the ugly thing cause i dont judge boys. If you dont like your glasses, get contacts, if you talk to yourself then dont think outloud, if you feel you are overweight, then just walk more. (i used to be on the chunky side, but not anymore thanks to a tread mill, lol) We are all weird in someway, esp me, but unless you know me personally, you will NEVER see how weird i can be lol, and people walk to a different beat of the drum! I hope this made you feel better man, dont down yourself like that, it can make people worry about you, so cheer up and enjoy life, AND SMILE [:D]


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