I am working an a track, but the train gets stuck at the final brake run, no matter what i do.
i tried to use friction wheels and changed all the settings.
on my laptop u cant have the speed limit higher than the transport device speed. if u have the speed limit at 5 and the transport speed at 10 they fight back and forth and don't let the car move. this is just on my laptop i don't know if anyone else's does this. i would recommend changing the speed limit to match the transport device speed.
Have the speed limit higher than the Hysteresis. Pretty sure that would do it.
edit: ^I'm pretty sure that just makes the brakes slow down the train while the transport speeds it up, making it sort of pump, but it should still work with that situation.
bobsled, I'm trying to make a recreation of an E-motion coaster:P the track oaf the bobsled looks the most like the emotion track, to bad NL doesn't has the correct train type