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Paranormal experiences.

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Post May 10th, 2012, 10:46 pm

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Just want to know who ever had something like that happening in their life and if so, please share your experience.
I had one on Easter weekend 6 years ago. I actually only recently found out it must have been something ghostly because of the strangeness of what happened.

I was on my way to Knysna from the KKNK (Klein Karoo Nationale Kunsterfees) and took the long scenic road through De Rust. The road is all mountain Pass and has plenty of fun twists turns. Not to mention the scenery. I've reached the intersection of the N9 south and was on my way in 35 degrees Celsius heat and the air con at full power. 4 to 5 KM out of Uniondale I noticed the smell of apples in my car. The funny thing is there isn't an apple tree in sight. The smell got stronger and I'm very sensitive to sweet scents like that. It was so overwhelming that I've finally decided to open the window and render the air con useless. Surprisingly, It's not coming from outside, nor was it the smell of apples in general but rather as if someone was sitting next to you with apple blossom perfume on. Just as I'm entering the town of Uniondale the smell vanishes.

I didn't really make much of it and thought it could be something travelling with me in all my baggage that might have fallen or something. This year I was heading too Mosselbay for my step brothers wedding. It was me, my sister and her fianc????????? driving down to the cape with me behind the wheel for that strip. When I reached De Rust I saw the sign pointing left towards Uniondale and started telling them this weird story. My sister however was in utter shock and I thought she went insane when I reached the point of the apple smell. She knew of a story I obviously didn't and started explaining.

The Story is of a Hitchhiker Ghost that has been used in almost any country but this one actually has pretty impressive observations from extremely conservative Afrikaaner people and even the police. It's about a lady who hitches a ride with you towards Uniondale on the N9 and has been around since the 1960?????????s. The apparition is not the same every time but the most common experience reported is that a pretty woman with dark hair wearing black hitches a lift and disappears out of the passenger seat without notice or stopping. The distinctive apple smell is her aroma. Other story?????????s includes the opening and closing of passenger doors while in motion or that she suddenly appears in your car or holding onto you on your motorcycle.

The description also always fits a person named Maria Roux who died in a car accident while sleeping when her fianc????????? lost control.

I'm actually a real critic when hearing stuff like this but this was what happened to me near that town and actually believes that there is something strange there. I just hoped I could go back and retrace the event properly because at the time I didn't really care much and didn't even properly investigate the contents of my bags or anything afterwards.

Post May 11th, 2012, 2:21 am

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i have a ghost or demon in my house thats attached to me in some way,
it likes to move things around, things you wont notice at first,
like 1 month ago, i turn around n grab the salt thing, and then put it back washed my hands n then went in the next room, then someone in my house asked why there was a salt shaker in the sink n where the small shaker was, it ended up across the house in someones room for no reason, and the strage knockings and random foot steps you hear, or the one night i was alone n the chair across from me started rocking by itself..
i do belive in sprites, i just try my best to ignore the one i have and its woerd ass games it trys to play..

Post May 11th, 2012, 2:26 am

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I also believe in sprite, but just one, it's delish!

Post May 11th, 2012, 2:41 am
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Originally posted by highthrills2

i have a ghost or demon in my house thats attached to me in some way,
it likes to move things around, things you wont notice at first,
like 1 month ago, i turn around n grab the salt thing, and then put it back washed my hands n then went in the next room, then someone in my house asked why there was a salt shaker in the sink n where the small shaker was, it ended up across the house in someones room for no reason, and the strage knockings and random foot steps you hear, or the one night i was alone n the chair across from me started rocking by itself..
i do belive in sprites, i just try my best to ignore the one i have and its woerd ass games it trys to play..

Is this post a joke?

"i have a ghost or demon in my house thats attached to me in some way" [lol]

Post May 11th, 2012, 5:50 am
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Originally posted by gouldy

Originally posted by highthrills2

i have a ghost or demon in my house thats attached to me in some way,
it likes to move things around, things you wont notice at first,
like 1 month ago, i turn around n grab the salt thing, and then put it back washed my hands n then went in the next room, then someone in my house asked why there was a salt shaker in the sink n where the small shaker was, it ended up across the house in someones room for no reason, and the strage knockings and random foot steps you hear, or the one night i was alone n the chair across from me started rocking by itself..
i do belive in sprites, i just try my best to ignore the one i have and its woerd ass games it trys to play..

Is this post a joke?

"i have a ghost or demon in my house thats attached to me in some way" [lol]

You're just jealous the ghost fancies him.
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Post May 11th, 2012, 9:24 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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I haven't been abducted because I'm not an idiot.
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Post May 11th, 2012, 10:40 am
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Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm

I haven't been abducted because I'm not an idiot.

They performed the anal probing in your room then?
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post May 11th, 2012, 11:48 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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They hid the camera well
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Post May 11th, 2012, 12:52 pm
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Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm

They hid the camera well

in your butt? [lol]
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post May 11th, 2012, 1:15 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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It's the fart cam

People who believe in ghosts or spirits are stupid.
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Post May 11th, 2012, 2:17 pm

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stupid implies a lack of intelligence. Opening your mind to the possibility of spiritual or extra-terrestrial forces has nothing to do with how smart you are, it has to do with the ability to find some explanation for the seemingly unexplained. The person who is "stupid" is the one who carries on when something un-explainable happens and doesn't bother to take the time to try and find an explanation. Our ability to find reason and explore ideas is what makes us human.
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Post May 11th, 2012, 2:43 pm

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Opening your mind also doesn't mean accepting unexplainable things as unexplainable. Is it possible? Yes, but only just. I've come up with plenty of ways in which "paranormal" experiences can be explained through entirely natural means, so I don't believe in ghosts/spirits/etc. Does this mean I have a closed mind?

A video on having an open mind:

Also, I disagree with your statement on "what makes us human". What makes us human is the fact that we're of the species homo sapiens. We just got lucky in that our species managed to develop a language, and subsequently all civilization as we know it. I would put money down betting that many other animals have the ability to reason, though probably not to the same degree as a human.

Post May 11th, 2012, 3:58 pm

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As per the above video, it's funny too see people criticizing so quickly without backing up statements with evidence. Which in this forum post, happened almost immediately. **** it's almost as if I threatened you with this post Coasterkidmwm. [lol] No one even took the time to find some evidence like for example Uniondale is an apple farming community which might explain the smell of apple blossom. Just go to show how quickly people respond with believes instead of scientific evidence.

Yes it was a strange experience but I myself don't really believe in ghosts in the sense as a being locked in purgatory. Therefor Don't believe in the Uniondale ghost.

I've never witnessed anything like that and as mentioned for myself I could prove that the smell wasn't that of Uniondale?????????s farms which lied at least 4km?????????s ahead out of the rocky mountain pass. Not to mention the smell being that sweet and strong inside the car. Yes it might have been something else but hearing the story afterwards gives more strangeness too it.

Post May 11th, 2012, 4:31 pm

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I once saw Michael Jacksons face on a potato!

Post May 11th, 2012, 6:17 pm
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Boneplaya; One of my very favourite QualiaSoup videos! He is the brother of another Youtube user TheraminTrees, who is also a worthwhile watch. QualiaSoup has such an excellent way of putting ideas across and he accompanies that with his simple but effective animation style.

It is not openmindedness to just accept anything anyone says as being plausible. You cannot deal in absolutes, but you can pretty much write off the idea of "spirits and demons", in the same sense that can pretty much write off the idea of gods or fairies. The only evidence for any of these things is anecdotal, which is essentially not evidence since the human mind is so susceptible to hallucination (and the fact that people are inherently dishonest). To just flatly accept anecdotal evidence is stupidity, not openmindedness.

Post May 11th, 2012, 7:29 pm

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^^Don't know if you are joking, but our brains do this thing (forgot the word) where they try to make out shapes out if things, like if you look at a potato you might think you see a face but really It's just your brain making sense of the colors and lumps in the vegetable. The same thing can happen with sounds, which is my best explanation for an experience I had. I was alone in my house working on an english assignment when from my brothers room I hear a voice say, "Hello there!" and then start laughing. Now the windows were open so it is very possible that it was some kids playing out side and my brain was just trying to make sense of it.

Another experience that I couldn't quite explain was when I spent one and a half weeks at a cabin. We were there for two mondays, and each monday an ambulance siren would go off at at around 6:50. Now, this obviously could be a complete coincidence since there were a lot of atv-ers. But who knows?
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Post May 12th, 2012, 12:32 am
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I used to be really interested in the paranormal and all things scary as I always build haunted houses for fun around halloween. Not anything stupid like vampires or things that were created from movies. But I have always believed in ghosts in my own way. I don't believe in aliens for-say as the little green men known, that go around probing people, lol, but I do undoubtedly believe their is life on other worlds just in the science and astronomy in itself. Whether we have come in contact with it is beyond me and something one just can't know.
Personally, I have been to both the Crybaby bridge in Salem and Medina, OH. with my dad and brother. We usually take a creepy trip like this around halloween for fun. Salem was creepy, but nothing really happened, but the one in Medina was when something really odd happened. We were standing out on the bridge over looking the water and me and my brother both swore we heard a sort of muffled scream, like if you were screaming into a pillow, my dad was looking the other way and said he didn't hear it. But it got really cold and brisk really fast, and all I know is it was creepy, especially since it was a foggy night.

The Rogue's Hollow and Egypt Road one are those that I have been too.

Post May 12th, 2012, 10:11 am
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Originally posted by spacemountainfan619

stupid implies a lack of intelligence.

That's the point of me using the word "stupid". Anyone who believes in ghosts is stupid. Writing a fourteen page rambling paragraph about how not nice I am won't fix it..

Originally posted by spacemountainfan619

Opening your mind to the possibility of spiritual or extra-terrestrial forces has nothing to do with how smart you are, it has to do with the ability to find some explanation for the seemingly unexplained.

Yes it does. Anyone who believes in ghosts is stupid, just like how anyone who "opened their mind" and drank the kool-aid in Jonestown is stupid.
Originally posted by spacemountainfan619
The person who is "stupid" is the one who carries on when something un-explainable happens and doesn't bother to take the time to try and find an explanation.

So borrowing a crappy story from three centuries ago is finding an explanation?
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Post May 12th, 2012, 5:26 pm

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Originally posted by spacemountainfan619

stupid implies a lack of intelligence. Opening your mind to the possibility of spiritual or extra-terrestrial forces has nothing to do with how smart you are, it has to do with the ability to find some explanation for the seemingly unexplained. The person who is "stupid" is the one who carries on when something un-explainable happens and doesn't bother to take the time to try and find an explanation. Our ability to find reason and explore ideas is what makes us human.
Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm

Writing a fourteen page rambling paragraph about how not nice I am won't fix it..

What the hell are your Microsoft Word defaults?...Font size 150?? lol

Overall, I don't necessarily believe or disbelieve "paranormal experiences". In Layman's terms, I don't care... [:)]

Post May 12th, 2012, 10:34 pm

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I live in a super small town in the middle of nowhere that has about 3 shows filmed in it from all different networks about the paranormal. Thousands and thousands died there as it was all cure cottages for tuberculosis.

When I moved there and while my house was being built i woke up to something touching me and saying something just about every other night for the five weeks I was there.. but I figured it was a dream every time, I was pretty young. Once I even heard the sink running in the kitchen, and the light on, and right when i got to the kitchen the sink stopped.

I also fell out of my bed for the only time ever in this house, right onto the old radiator and got some nasty cuts..

I do believe in them.. but there are also times where I think that just maybe the pipes were making noise and someone forgot the light.. and i just happen to fall off my bed.. and I just happen to wake up to a little noise almost every night.. idk

Post May 12th, 2012, 10:55 pm
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So the dead are trolling people because they have nothing better to do? I never understood the logic in this.
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Post May 13th, 2012, 4:02 am
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I always thought that if I died and became a "spirit" ([lol]), I'd contact the real world in a way such that I told them that spirits were real, rather than just doing things that could easily be coincidences that someone who was already that way minded would just attribute to "spirits"...

Post May 13th, 2012, 2:30 pm
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I'd do the same.

I'd also avoid exploring the rectums of rednecks. I'd rather abduct a vegan or something so at least I knew there was fiber in the diet at some point.
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Post May 13th, 2012, 2:38 pm

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When I die I want to haunt someone. Think of how fun it would be if you were on the other side of a horror story. Causing the things to happen =)

Anyways I did witness something that I cannot explain a few years ago. I was walking to a friends house at night looking up at the stars when I saw what I thought was a satellite traveling across the sky (due to it's speed). I was watching if for a minute or two when about halfway across the sky it came to a stop. It stayed in place for around 15 seconds or so and then suddenly shot off in the direction it came from as fast as a shooting star until it disappeared way off in the distance. I was pretty freaked out and I still can't think up a plausible explanation for it.

Post May 13th, 2012, 5:24 pm
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Light reflects off clouds.
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