Particle physicists gathered on Wednesday 04 July 2012 in an auditorium where they discussed their findings and conclusively announce that they have a 5 sigma level certainty that they found the theoretical Higgs Boson Particle. Both the Atlas and CMS team exceeded expectations in experimentations a week before where they found the 125.5 Gev particle 40 years after it was predicted. Peter Higgs himself was also represented during the presentation. This is big news for quantum physics although some scientists where lacking much excitement due to the behavior of the Higgs that was pretty much as expected. This is the 1st fundamental particle to be discovered that was theorized. ... ience.html
To me this is great news because it will be the last piece of the standard model. It throttles scientist??????s research in specific directions such as supersymmetry within string theory and might end up proving a multidimensional universe or multiverse if you will. (My favorite of all theory??????s). If the standard model is indeed correct the entire universe is static and time is just a change of state of a richly structured multidimensional brane where we literally experience something that just ??????is?????? instead of changes. Entropy will inevitably be the shape of our universe instead of having an actual law of time.