Here you go guys, sorry I got a little behind schedule on this last round.
2012 NLT ????????? Final
Weret ????????? TrackSix:
Tech: Overall your track shaping was very good, but for some reason all of your banking transitions are full of tiny little jerks. There?????????s really no one place I can point this out, it's everywhere. From the front seat it's not too noticeable, but this is really the only thing that takes away from your trackwork. Supports look good, and my only complaint would be that your batwing looks a bit under supported. I decided to take a quick look at Montu and it has supports right about where you put them but there's one more in between those. Gs are good, tunnel test is good, E-stop passed.
Adrenaline: The hidden jojo roll was a cool way to start; a nice surprise for new riders. After that I thought the prelift was a little slow, but it's a lot like the beginning of Nemesis Inferno so I think it would still be fun. First drop and loop are your standard B&M, but I think the dive into the tunnel would be a really exciting way to follow it. After that the ride was pretty standard again in terms of element order. I did like the MBCR as a little break in pacing between the cobra roll and batwing though. The last tunnel section was neat, and the positive Gs there definitely stayed up there enough to be fun.
Originality: While you did a good job of using the template effectively, there's not really anything original about the ride; no original elements inversions. Even the order was pretty standard for any B&M, inverted or otherwise. I did like the idea of the long prelift to cover one crossing of the path though; I thought that helped your layout a lot. The tunnels, station, and queue were all very well done too. They?????????re nothing fancy but they look good and get the job done.
T: 8 A: 8 O: 7 Total: 7.67
Shu ????????? yoshifreak:
Tech: Trackwork was very smooth for the most part. The one transition I thought was taken a little too fast was the one from positive Gs to airtime at the bottom of the first drop. This just seemed too jarring to be comfortable to me. Gs got pretty high through the first half of the ride too, mostly in the turn before the rollover and the helix before the MCBR. Both of these sustained over 4.5 Gs for 2-3 seconds. Supports looked good. Same as with Tracksix, nothing flashy but they would definitely get the job done. Tunnel test passed but E-stop failed it two ways. First, if you hit E-stop during the launch giving it just enough speed to clear the zero-g roll the ride valleys at the rollover. Second, the MCBR doesn't stop the ride even if E-stop is hit long before the train gets to it.
Adrenaline: Well, the launch into zero-g combo (ala The Hulk) is obviously an exciting way to start the ride. The little dip under the path was neat, but doesn't have quite the same effect as a standard sit-down would with the head chopper. The Gs kept things exciting through the next section before the MCBR, but I thought the little straight sections between elements kind of took away from the pacing of the ride. I did like the helix up into the MCBR though, even though the Gs were a little high there as mentioned in tech. For your finale, I liked the choice of having the zero-g and flatspin rotate the same direction. It got me a little dizzy watching it the first time when I wasn't expecting it.
Originality: The launch is certainly unique for an invert, but it probably would have helped if you hadn?????????t used the exact element The Hulk, the only actual launched B&M, uses after its launch. After that it's all pretty standard B&M, though the use of the rollover actually worked really well as a way to turn the ride around in that part of the template. I mentioned I did like the way the finale disorients the rider, but it's hardly an original way to end a B&M invert. You also skipped out on half the template, so it would have been nice to see that space used.
T: 8 A: 7 O: 6 Total: 7.0