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JDMI012's WingRider Contest

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Post July 18th, 2012, 9:46 am

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JDMI012's Wing Rider Contest

A new park on the East Coast has approached B&M for a new Wing Rider. As a new associate of the firm, your job is to create a Wing Rider to accomodate both their space, and their budget. The park has set out some guidelines for you.

Coaster is limited to...
4000 ft in length
180 ft in height
70 mph in speed

All track and supports must stay in the blue.
Custom Scenery is allowed
All programs that are used to enhance the coaster are allowed. (i.e Newton, AHG)
Minimum of 3 trains
The red zones are not allowed to be entered
Have Fun and Good LuckJDMI012's Wing Rider Contest

A new park on the East Coast has approached B&M for a new Wing Rider. As a new associate of the firm, your job is to create a Wing Rider to accomodate both their space, and their budget. The park has set out some guidelines for you.

Coaster is limited to...
4000 ft in length
180 ft in height
70 mph in speed

All track and supports must stay in the blue.
Custom Scenery is allowed and must stay in the whole rectangle (includes red zones)
All programs that are used to enhance the coaster are allowed. (i.e Newton, AHG)
Minimum of 3 trains
The red zones are not allowed to be entered
If you see any gray areas in the rules, then its legal.
All tracks must be complete by September 30th 11:59:59 PM CST
Have Fun and Good Luck

I wouldn't mind having some judges as I'm not the most qualified person for the job.



Green recieved track
Yellow entered no track
Red dropped out
Last edited by jdmi012 on July 23rd, 2012, 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post July 18th, 2012, 3:09 pm

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What train style should we use? Does it even really matter?

Also, what about teraforming?

Post July 18th, 2012, 5:57 pm

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I'll join. There's still a ton of time to do this ride.
mkingy wrote:
Yoda was famously quoted as saying:

Yoda wrote:
Free the Orcas, you must
Sith will prevail, otherwise


Post July 18th, 2012, 6:45 pm

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Yeah, count me in. I think I can pull off a decent ride.

Post July 18th, 2012, 7:04 pm

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Thanks! I tried to make the deadline towards the end of Coasterdraft and long after RCT2 and the Invert. Use a Floorless Twisted Steel and terraforming is allowed...Hopefully this will get approved and moved to the contest forum. What would you rather do....have everyone rate eachother's track or have a few judges?

Post July 18th, 2012, 7:05 pm

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Post July 18th, 2012, 9:28 pm

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Ill join i guess just for fun even though i wont win lol.

Post July 18th, 2012, 9:48 pm

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Post July 18th, 2012, 10:48 pm

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Having everyone rate everyone else's tracks seems to be the most fair method. Judges can have preconceived biases towards one person or the other.

Post July 19th, 2012, 9:44 am

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Post July 19th, 2012, 10:59 am

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NightwindElf, the same goes between members, though. I personally believe a panel of 2 or 3 judges would be the best. Have all the entries sent to a 4th person's email account, where they can change all of the member's names to A, B, C, etc, and of course, write them down so they don't lose track of who owns what track. This way, the judges don't know who's who while judging the tracks, and then they can send their ratings back to that email account, where they are paired up with the corresponding track. This is how we judged the RCT2 contest last year.

Also, I'll join. I might as well give it a go.

Wait, when you say "Limited to..", does that mean it can't go above or below those numbers?
Plot Twist: I'm still alive

Post July 19th, 2012, 11:54 am

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Originally posted by NightwindElf

What train style should we use? Does it even really matter?

Also, what about teraforming?

If one were to wait, one could use a real coaster style for this contest.

Post July 19th, 2012, 12:45 pm

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Yeah, we don't really care. And you've only made yourself a social pariah on this site. Nobody likes you, allen. Crawl in a hole somewhere.

Post July 19th, 2012, 3:31 pm
RideWarriorNation User avatar
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Originally posted by NightwindElf

Yeah, we don't really care. And you've only made yourself a social pariah on this site. Nobody likes you, allen. Crawl in a hole somewhere.

Post July 19th, 2012, 3:31 pm

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Location: dallas, tx, USA
Originally posted by NightwindElf

Yeah, we don't really care. And you've only made yourself a social pariah on this site. Nobody likes you, allen. Crawl in a hole somewhere.

So. are you saying that members should leave and never come back ?

Post July 19th, 2012, 3:38 pm

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No, I'm saying that you should leave and never come back.

Post July 19th, 2012, 3:38 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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Guys keep it on topic. If you want to insult somebody, don't.

Post July 19th, 2012, 4:54 pm

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Not sure how well that will work on NightwindElf, hyyyper. Every other post from the guy seems to be an insult in one way or another, lol.

Post July 19th, 2012, 9:05 pm

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Post July 19th, 2012, 9:36 pm

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Let's keep it clean here. You cannot go over those "limited to" numbers. And if we have people willing to judge, then we can have judges, it all depends on numbers. It's not worth going out of my way to find judges for a small contest like this.

Post July 19th, 2012, 11:37 pm
RideWarriorNation User avatar
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Post July 20th, 2012, 12:02 am

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There's nothing at stake here. It's just a fun, what can you come up with thing. I'm not going to change it.

Post July 20th, 2012, 6:20 am

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Just a question: Are 3ds objects allowed?
mkingy wrote:
Yoda was famously quoted as saying:

Yoda wrote:
Free the Orcas, you must
Sith will prevail, otherwise


Post July 20th, 2012, 4:01 pm

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Yep! You have 100% creative freedom with this. That includes 3ds

Post July 20th, 2012, 4:50 pm

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Question. I have a piece of track that grazed the boundary. Is this acceptable or do I need to fix it?


EDIT: What's the standard for a tunnel test?


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