Originally posted by gforce1994
What was the advice there. I took days to make this. I did the tunnel test - it passed. I did the back seat g force test- Passed. I did the AHG and it succeeded. I even did the emergency brake run test and it passed. What else did I need to do?
Well, for one, if you want actual advice, a picture that shows the track where it's larger than a pixel per 100 feet, that'd be nice. But seriously, the best designers on this site don't release many coasters because they spend months and sometimes even
years on their rides. I'm not exactly a top-tier designer, but even I won't release a ride without spending at least a few weeks on the trackwork alone.
Also, PLEASE absorb people's complaints, no matter how harsh. In fact, the harsher the better, especially if it's been given to you 3 or 4 times already.