Not necessarily, everyone has there interpretation of the "perfect" coaster, or, there style. But, being a good coaster designer you have to realize that companies have slight differences from each other, and you want to be able to recreate that in No Limits. It'll never be perfect, but I have seen a few designers get extremely close. Of course, you should always feel free to make a ride the way you want it to be, but this is no excuse for poor trackwork.
I am assuming the you use the No Limits Editor to design your tracks, a.k.a. you handbuild, and as a handbuilder myself here are a just a couple of tips I can give you.
- Make your track segments equal to or close to the same length.
I like to make each segment have the same amount of ties. The amount of ties you choose to have inbetween should be determined by the type of ride you wish to create.
- If you have a pumpy vertices in between two other vertices. Delete the bad one, or worse one, smooth track in between and than perform a track split.
This won't always get rid of the pump, but it can help. Track work is all about tweaking and tweaking until you get it right.
- The control+I/control+G method
If you track segments are not the same length you'll have issues using this method. Select a piece of track you wish to smoothen. Hit control+I to straighten it, the select the track segment and the two vertices around it and hit control+G
- Use control+G a lot!
Don't underestimate the power of control+G