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Fiesta Texas Becomes Fiasco Texas

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Post August 2nd, 2012, 1:49 am

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Post August 2nd, 2012, 10:00 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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I'm so glad the portly gentleman that wrote this has so few traumas going on in his life that he insists on harassing upper level management for his inability to read the fine print and follow the rules he agreed to follow by buying Lo-Q in the first place.

I hope he enjoyed bothering various employees to try and get his way much like a child asks both parents to try and get away with something when the first parent says no.
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Post August 2nd, 2012, 10:10 am
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I was amused by this comment:

#First World Problems

I understand why you were so upset, but at the same time, the kid was just doing what he was told. Corporations are not very flexible and the fact that he followed what he was told says he was doing it right. Judging by your attitude you are like "pshhh they are young, just some young person does not deserve my respect, I am entitled to everything."

Post August 2nd, 2012, 10:13 am
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You're brave. I didn't bother with the comments lol.

I'm though glad other people interpreted this as incredibly pretentious.
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Post August 2nd, 2012, 11:38 am

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Why didn't this guy just walk through when prompted and then waited where he wanted to? Probably would have saved him some time and whining for sure.

Post August 2nd, 2012, 1:25 pm

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While I do sympathize with him in saying Six Flags doesn't always have the best employees or policies, I would have simply walked through the seat and exited the ride, returned a few minutes later, and hoped for a different row to be open. I mean, it's Low-Q or Flashpass or whatever, right? It wouldn't take long to wait again / come back later. Either that or I'd just man up and enjoy the experience near the back.

Post August 2nd, 2012, 1:26 pm
A.S.C. User avatar
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Someone obviously doesn't understand how parks or Lo-Q work these days.

Post August 2nd, 2012, 1:48 pm

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While a lot of what he did was very unnecessary (He comes off as a rather entitled person,) I really can't believe how poorly Six Flags handled the situation. Even at Walmart, they know that the customer is always right. In my checkout lane, there have been several times where customers have had price-match requests that completely violated our policy, I said that I can't do it, they complained and said that they wanted to speak with a manager, I called the manager, and the manager, although agreeing that we do not honor that certain type of price match, did it anyway so that we wouldn't lose the person's business.

Simple mathematics. Either give them what they want and lose $20 or so on the one item that they wanted to price-match, or lose hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars because the person is never coming back to your store again.

So, yeah, Six Flags apparently doesn't get this. A simple matter of not giving someone their seat, and every level of management refusing to offer him this simplest of requests, ended up costing them possibly thousands of dollars because he and his family are never coming back to a Six Flags park again.

Post August 2nd, 2012, 1:52 pm

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Cjd put it perfectly. Nice Job [;)]
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Post August 2nd, 2012, 2:04 pm

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Both sides sucked. Ride-op dude should have eventually given the whiny guy a seat, whiny guy should have not dragged it out so much. I mean seriously, that whiny guy was taking it way to far. Not everybody is perfect at their jobs... ride-op guy didn't know any better.

Suck it up and move on, jeez. Typical self-entitled coaster enthusiast. (Not all coaster enthusiasts are like that, but self-entitled ones are.)

Post August 2nd, 2012, 4:22 pm

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This is why I don't identify myself as a "roller coaster enthusiast." How embarrassing.

And for the record, at Disney World I asked the attendant for a particular end of the Big Thunder Mountain train (towards the back), she said no and asked me to sit in the middle, so I sat in the middle. I had fun and didn't waste my entire day making myself look like a complete jerk.

I hope the employees had a good laugh about this afterwards instead of letting his attitude get to them. That dude is a joke lol.

Post August 2nd, 2012, 4:39 pm

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"Sounds like someone's having a case of the Mondays."

I've always been able to ride any ride in any seat, of my own request. Usually the op will say yes, but you need to wait or try to pair up with another guest for that row. Not once has any ride op said "No, you can't have that seat and you must board the train."

Most of the time, I can stay on the ride (on a slow day) and do marathons unless someone is waiting for that seat. But then, I can pick an empty one without having to re-queue.

The douche didn't have to write up that review in that manner.
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Post August 2nd, 2012, 5:41 pm

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Some park policies say you can't, and other parks are more relaxed. Sometimes it depends on the ride. At Great Adventure, occasionally on slow mornings they voluntarily tell guests they can stay on El Toro if there's nobody in their row, but I've never seen them let anyone stay on Nitro in the same situation. At Dorney, you *always* have to go around. Is that really the end of the world though? lol some people are just silly...and as a result they have a bad day. I say that's fine and go around 10x and don't wait when I get to the platform, and I have an awesome day. It's all about how you approach things. If you're looking for a problem, chances are you'll find one.

Post August 2nd, 2012, 6:09 pm

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I agree to some extent that this guy may have gone a little far, but if Six Flags would have handled the initial situation correctly it wouldn't have gone that far.

And at Dorney, we used to allow re-rides, at least I remember we did, but there was an incident a few years ago I believe so now we don't But like you said, it's not the end of the world.

Post August 2nd, 2012, 6:21 pm

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The policy on Rattler has always been that you can wait for the next train. Not sure why that would change after 10 years.

Regardless, this park's operations are a complete joke still and this is guy is also a total douche. He did cause a scene, just ride and deal with the policy. You face the same rules as everyone else.

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