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Paramount's Kings Island Trip (6/30/04--7/02/04)

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Posts: 127
Points on hand: 4,273.00 Points
Location: Pittsburgh, PA, USA

I live in Pittsburgh,Pa. So going to Kennywood is a regular for I decided to take a trip back down to Paramounts Kings Island in Kingsmill,Ohio. last time I was there, the Son of Beast wasn't built yet. Driving up to the park reminded me of Cedar Point, approaching massive drops, turns, and inversions which all seem to dive into the parks wonderful array of trees. Entering the park, I was greeted by a huge Effiel Tower replica and a nicley displayed water fountain, baring the Paramount Logo on the gate surrounding it. The parks atmosphere was great, nice people, helpful employees and just all-around fun and laughter. Well.....on to the rides. The first ride me and my friends approched was the Face/Off. I've ridden many Boomerang-type Coasters, but never have I experienced a inverted one. We approached the queve lines in which weren't to long. We waited for about 25-30 minutes before reaching the the front seats. I sat looking toward the park, and my friends sat oppsite looking at me....Going up the first Incline-lift backwards was classic. The feeling I had in my stomache at the time was undescribable...all I remember was talking one minute...the screaming the next as the coaster car swooped down the first Incline threw the station and into the rapid-fire Boomerang element (Cobra-Roll). Then headind towards the Clothoid Loop before reaching the top of the second incline and and shootind back down backwards into the loop and cobra-roll...and safetly back into the station...The ride was fantastic. Didn't bang my head and was fairly intense (RATING:8-10). The next ride we came to was called "Delirium". This ride looked awesome and intense at the same time. Looks like a big spinning top being swung back and fourth, vertical for a brief moment at 50-60 mph. The ride was great to make things short, only thing I didn't Like was the fact that when you went vertical, your blood rushes to your head giving me a headache..but other than that, the ride was great (RATING:8-10). Next was the "Son of Beast". The coaster was monsterous, and it even had a large Clothiod loop in the center of it. To make a long story short...the ride was pretty intense and had some rough spots... but aside from all that, the loop was great and the overall ride was fun (RATING:7-10). Next was Flight of Fear. I've been on a ride just like Flight of Fear only that one wasn't enclosed. It was called Poltergeist. Flight of Fear was fun from beginning to start, blasting out of the station and into the first of four inversion. The rest was chaos, track everywhere with two more inversions and the last being a classic corkscrew. The ride was fun (RATING:8-10). Next was the Pirate ship. Now mostly every park has one but, this particular Pirate ship stood out to me because it was built partically over water and the location was perfect. The ride itself is always a pleasure, it's locations is what made the ride look twice as good (RATING:8-10). Next was the astounding Vortex. The way this coaster is set up is great. Aside from the fact that the Boomerang Element is only 40 inches away from the midway, providing excellent photo ops, the rides layout is glorious. All 6 inversions is worth the wait in line (IMO)...The Vortex wasen't a scary ride, It was a fun/wacky ride, I enjoyed so much that I ridden it 5 more times that day (RATING:10-10). I've ridden just about every coaster in the park, but on this trip, i just kept riding these same ones over and over. I'll included them next time. (Look out for my Cedar Point Trip Report Soon.) P.S. Paramount's Kings Island is a one-of-a-kind. It's very clean, friendly, fun and just plain awesome..Watch out Cedar Point!
Live, Laugh, Love!
--David K. Jr.

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